Chapter Nine

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POV: Iris

We made it back at the inn and everyone was exhausted. I wanted to talked to them about that feeling of someone watching us, but I guess they were tired.

'You wanna tell them?' Ilana said to me using mind-link.

'Not now. They seemed exhausted.' I replied.

'You sure? That thing earlier might be dangerous.'

'I'm sure, Ilana. And besides we just got home from fighting ogres. We need to rest.'

Ilana looked at me hoping that I would change my mind. But she
eventually nodded.

"I'm going to head to my room, I'm exhausted." I said.

"Alright, Good night, Iris." Meara replied.

"Night, Iris." Travion followed.

"Night, guys." I said heading to my room.

When I arrived in front of my room, something wasn't feel right. I looked down and saw black smoke coming out from inside my room.

I opened the door and a gust of wind came at me, I stumbled but I immediately got back to my feet. When the wind stopped I saw a tall person in a black robe, and a woman's voice talked to me.

"What a waste of time." She said with a laugh. I couldn't see her face since it was covered, but judging by her voice, I think she's in her 20's.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" I asked her.

"Your going to find out sooner or later. I just came by and see for myself what me and my subordinates are against with. But I see that you're not worth it." She scoffed.

"I don't know who you are or where you come from, but you have to go." I waved my hands from the flower pot beside me to the robe woman.

Vines started to appear on the pot, but as soon as it touched the robe woman she banished.

"That's all you got?" A laughter echoed around my room. "We will meet again."

The voice disappeared along with the black smoke.

I mind-linked Ilana 'Ilana, I'm coming your way.'

'Why? What's wrong?" She asked.

'I'll explain when we are all together. I'll go get the others.'

'Alright, I'll be waiting.'

I went down the stairs in a hurry and bumped into Meara.

"Oh, Iris. Are you okay? I heard noises from your room and I was about to check up on you." She asked.

"We need to get to the stables, get Travion and meet me there with Ilana. I'll explain later." I left her on the stairs confused. But I have to tell Ilana immediately.

I arrived at the stables and hurriedly told Ilana what happened.

"Wait, did you say the woman was wearing a robe?" She asked.

"Yes, she was tall and was wearing a black robe." I replied while I still catching my breath.

"I don't know if I'm guessing the right person but if it is her. We're in trouble." She muttered at the last sentence that I bearly heard it.

Minutes later Meara and Travion arrived. They all looked confused with a mix of worry.

I guess I'm a mess.

"Iris, are you okay? You freaked out earlier." Meara asked.

I shook my head and let Ilana explain to them this time. When she finished Meara jumped on me and starts to rub my head.

"Oh, you poor thing. That must have been terrifying." She squeezed my head to her rock solid skull.

"Focus, Meara." Ilana shoot her a glance.

Meara rolled her eyes and let go of me. "You're always so mean to me, you know."

"So, who do you think it is?" Travion change the subject.

"I don't know if it's her but I have a feeling it's her." Ilana paused before saying. "I think it's Agatha."

"Wait, Agatha? As in Agatha Endor." Meara gasped.

"Who's Agatha?" I asked.

"She's the psycho witch that almost burned Elmswood to the ground." Ilana explained.

"People says that she lived in the Thundering Woods. But nobody was able to confirmed it since nobody gets in or out." Travion added.

"Is she powerful?" I asked.

"Some says she is, but we haven't seen her yet." Meara replied.

"Yet, being the keyword." Ilana muttered.

"We have to inform the king, or Jake." Travion suggested.

"But we don't even know if it was really Agatha or not." Meara exclaimed.

"We're not going to tell the king yet, we'll tell that son of his." Ilana suggested.

"Okay." Travion agreed.

Me and Meara nodded, and after that they both went back inside the inn.

"Iris, aren't you coming?" Meara called.

"I think I'll sleep here with Ilana." I replied.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." She waved good night and I waved back.

I turned around to see Ilana already laying down. I guess she's tired. I layed down next to her.

"Hey, Ilana. I'm sorry for-" she cut me off and just covered me with her wing.

"Shut up and sleep." She muttered.

I just smiled and closed my eyes to sleep. Tomorrow we'll be busy doing our first adventurer jobs, and I'm excited.

But not for what's coming.


POV: Narrator

Iris falls asleep with Ilana's wing covering her from the cold. Meara sleeps in her room and Travion doing the same.

But far away, deep in the Thundering Woods. Stood a very old and very dark mansion. A woman wearing a black robe walked in the very long hallway. She stopped at a giant door that stretched from the floor to the ceiling.

She knocked on it and a deep voice called out from behind it. "Come in."

She went inside and an elf with dark hair, gray skin and void eyes greeted her.

"Agatha, where have you been." The elf asked the robe woman.

Agatha removed the robe she's wearing, revealing her dark brown hair, fair skin and hazel eyes, she bowed to the elf.

"Oh, just visiting my old home." She replied.

"You saw her, didn't you?"

"Yes, and you said she's a threat to our plans but she looked weak. Don't you think the goddess made a mistake?"

"If the goddess sent her, then she's not a mistake. And if she's weak then we can get rid of her before the war can begin."

"How can we do that? She's with your niece and nephew, she is even the bondmate of the Lava Dragon."

The elf man laughed and put his hand to his face. "Looks like this is going to be fun."

Agatha listened to what the dark elf planned and she smiled from ear to ear. The two didn't waste time and prepared their next move.

(End of chapter Nine.)

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