(💝) February 14th, 2002.

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I've been with Jesse for about a year now, he was always so nice to me, kind, caring and so sweet. I could never ever get enough of him, it was February 13th, 2002. Valentine's Day was tomorrow, it was my favorite holiday! Love is something I've adored for so long, it's a beautiful thing, it was also one true loves 1 year anniversary, we released it on that day of course, I wanted to ask Jesse if he wanted to be my valentine, why wouldn't he be? He's my boyfriend of course! I wanted it to be romantic, I grabbed some money and immediately rushed off to the store, I remembered that me and the boys were also having a Valentine's Day party so I made sure to get some things tho robaire, T and Z were out, tho I had no idea where Jesse went..I didn't worry about it as much.

I grabbed roses, a card, heart shaped balloons and a box filled will his favorite kind of chocolate! The lines seemed to be long tho...I guess everyone was really excited for Valentine's Day, who wouldn't be? Love is important. I was atleast in line for what it felt like an hour, once everything was payed for, I rushed out to get home, once I stepped in I saw Jesse and...a girl!? Who was she?!

"Oh JJ!...who is this..?"

"Hey tae, this is Jenny, she's an old friend of mine."

"Hi it's nice to meet you tae!"

I stayed quiet and did a small smile, he would call me dove infront of other people..maybe he doesn't want her to know we're together yet, but he always shows me off...I didn't think much of it. I went up to my room and set everything up, I put it all inside a bag and peeked downstairs to see if that Jenny girl was still there, and of course she was but Jesse wasn't down there, I set the gift bag near the steps and walked over to her.

"Hi Jenny...I wanted to make a..proper introduction, I'm Tae young but you can of course call me tae."

She looked up from her phone and set it down.

"It's nice to meet you."

She had said it with such attitude, did Jesse say something to piss her off? Or is she arguing with someone through text, I decided to break the silence.

"So if you don't mind me asking, how long have you known Jesse?"

"Well I've known him since high school, he was pretty much like my high school sweetheart"

High school sweetheart!? Wait a second, did her and Jesse use to date?! My eyes widened a bit but I tried not to make it noticeable, I cleared my throat avoiding eye contact.


We're the only words that could come out of my mouth, she continued to rant about how Jesse and her would hang out all the time and how every Valentine's Day he would give her flowers and chocolates, it started to make me a little upset...

"That's really nice Jenny...well if you can please tell Jesse when he comes back that I wanted to talk to him upstairs."

"Yeah sure thing."

She responded again with attitude, she typed in her phone she didn't even look up at me once, I left from downstairs disappointed.

Later I heard someone come home, I again went downstairs and peeked by the steps, luckily it was robaire, T and Z....but no jesse. I then noticed Jenny wasn't on the couch at all, where could she have gone? Or most importantly, what was she up to. I left from the stairs to help them with the bags.

"Welcome back guys, I had went off to the store to buy a few things for the party if that's okay."

I softly smiled while saying.

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