2• Trial and decision.

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* The present year — weeks ago *

   A calling from a high ranked school was made known to some capable and skilled younger citizens from various kingdoms, to partake in two grand exams; where those who succeeded and passed the two stages of the Exams would be enrolled into the Zelerinx academy.

  The first stage was the written exam which consisted of the several sciences; calculus; the arts; history; the famous spoken languages, and all its like. It was taken three weeks before the second stage exam—the practical exam.

  Only those who were given the second invitation—for having succeeded the first stage exams—would advance to the next stage.

  Just as expected, Latona was among that very set of spectacular individuals who received a second invitation.

   Latona had long been awaiting the day she would go out to the world and practice the skills she had acquired from her constant practice. 

  From the time of her first arrival at Alderson's village, till now, she had not been allowed to step foot outside the walls of the village.

  She felt that it was indeed very strange for Alderson and Talia to make her unreachable to the outside world, but still she always got the same reply whenever she asked them both for their reasons. 'It was for her safety.'

She knew right from the beginning that she was either lied to or told half truths.
  Latona had no magic nor magical ability yet, for reasons that she felt would be unraveled soon, however, her will and determination was stronger than those of some sorcerers and mages.

  Latona had told Alderson about her decision to go to Zelerinx so as to put the Canis to extinction and to find the loops that had been hidden from her sight for way too long.

  Alderson knew that the day would come when Latona finally decides to leave Liminai and pursue her future. Holding on to her wouldn't last for long as the Canises might in future years find out about her and by then, it would be too late to think anew.

  It would be right to let her taste the pain of the world and acknowledge her for her continuous progressions. So he set his decision into play and saw it best to let her furnish her ambition and do what she felt was needed. But he never will stop putting her protection before any other thing.
   Although she had no normal bond to the memory or any valid recollection of what happened in Artezeus, ten years ago, Latona still felt that she had a responsibility that had been branded on her from birth. That, she must accomplish.

  Latona might be able to see those fragmented memories that related to what happened in Liminai a decade ago, but she didn't feel a connection to it. If anything, the memories felt like viewing someone else's.

  Even still, she would stand tall and protect the ones that she loved, no matter the challenges headed her way.
  Alderson loved Latona more than anyone else, but he knew that the time would come when he had to let her go.

  At long last, he went behind Queen Aphinor's orders and gave Latona the opportunity to follow her desires.

  He knew that it was simply the right thing to do and wherever Aphinor might be, she would come to realise that he had made the best choice.
  Latona questioned no more and became a tad bit gladdened of the newly allotted freedom she was granted with.

  With that, she went on and ahead to fill the enrollment form for the Prestigious Zerelinx academy.

* present day - Leuvonze kingdom * ×Route to the second stage exams×

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