i / "I like straight girls."

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Fingers on her skin, they traced pathways that make her sick inside. She'd forgotten why she wanted to come here. Sweaty bodies grinded into her and she wanted to stop all this pathetic dancing, but couldn't seem to.

Emiline hated clubs. She hated touching strangers. She hated the too loud music and the pathetically sad people, but that night, she was one of them. She was that pathetically sad stranger getting drunk out of her mind and stumbling home because she has no ride.

She would do anything to get him out of her mind. It's almost laughable how crushed her spirit was. Her heart was burnt ashes that blew around her body, got caught in her lungs, and stopped her breathing.

Emiline's body was on fire. Too many emotions ran through her and turned into her intense movements. Perhaps that was the reason she'd acquired the admirers trying to force their bodies against hers.

She always pushed them away. She wasn't for grabs. No one could have her. No one except him, but he had made it very clear he didn't want her heart. It was too tedious for him to have and he damn sure wasn't giving his away. If he had one to give away.

The song changed and the beat was so loud and pulsating, Emiline had to take a break. She stumbled away from the dance floor to the booths the club offered. She wanted to cry, but she had no tears to cry.

She curled up in the empty booth, pulling her stiletto-clad feet close to her. She probably was going to take a nap, but that was interrupted by a smiling girl.

"I don't think you can nap on those." Her voice was slightly deep for a girl, it was sultry almost. The girl's lips were pulled into a smile that could only be described as predatory.

Emiline only sighed. "I really don't give a fuck." She had no idea why this leather clad girl was talking to her.

"Well, aren't you quite the rule breaker." She was starting to get annoying.

"Rules don't apply to me. Fuck off. I'm tired."

The girl tossed her silky red hair out of her face. "Why don't you go home?"

Emiline was growing more tired of the conversation as the seconds ticked by. "My parents think I'm at a friend's, so I can't."


"I am seventeen."


"So, fuck off, yea?" Emiline proceeded to lay down and close her eyes. She heard no more talking (at least directed at her), so she assumed the girl had left her in peace.

She was wrong unfortunately. The girl had sat next to her.

Emiline groaned and sat up. "Is there something you need?"

She smiled and said, "A kiss." She puckered her cherry red lips.

"Not a lesbian."

"I can change that."

Emiline almost laughed. "I highly doubt it."

"Don't knock it till you've tried it, babe." The girl winked after she said this and Emiline smiled at the older girl's silliness.

"I like boys. A lot."

"What's your name?" She asked ignoring Emiline's comment.


"I'll call you, Emmy."

"Or. You could call me Emiline." She said annoyed again.

"I think Emmy will work."

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