ii / "She ate you out?"

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It was 5 AM when Emiline knocked on Heather's apartment door. She was still in her short dress and Elliot's leather jacket.

Heather opened the door quickly and the fiery brunette rolled her eyes as soon as she saw it was Emiline. "What the actual fuckery! I was sleeping for God's balls!"

Emiline chuckled. "I don't think that's the saying. I don't any of that is how you say it."

"It's 5 AM. Who gives a fuck. Just get in here." Heather pulled Emiline in the doorway, which was an impressive feat for the small girl.

"So, how was your night of sad clubbing?" The blue-eyed girl asked once they had settled on the couch.

Emiline smirked. "Surprisingly, not that sad."

Heather gave Emiline a confused look. "Cole broke your heart, honey. Not that I'm not happy that you're happy- wait, where'd you get that jacket because sweetie, I've seen you're closet and it does not contain this expensive ass piece of animal hide."

"It has to do with the reason my night wasn't so overwhelmingly depressing." Emiline thought of a way to tell her best friend she hung out with a lesbian. "I met this girl."

Heather scrunched her eyebrows together. "Girl?"

Emiline nodded. "She's this crazy ass lesbian who helped me forget about Cole for a night."

"She ate you out?"

"No! Heather! What the hell! I don't like girls. She was just really cool I guess. She bought me food and we talked about pretty much everything. Even have her number."

The smaller girl narrowed her eyes. She wasn't sure how her best friend had gone from a crying mess to smiling about a chick. "Does she know you feel that way?"

"I think I made it very clear that I'm straight and want to be friends. She's a little flirty, but it's not too much."

Heather sighed. "When are you returning the jacket?"

"When we hang out on Saturday." Emiline spread her small body on the couch after chucking her heels off.

Heather stood to her full 4'10 height. She might have been small, but she could be intimidating if she wanted to be.

"Don't led this girl on, Emiline."

"I won't, Mom. She's just a nice person."


Emiline had returned home from Heather's house later that day. Her parents didn't question her and she was so relieved. She practically bolted to her room. When she got to the door, she could feel tears begging to stream down every curve of her face. 

Closing the door quickly, Emiline threw her petite body on to the bed and sobbed until her lungs felt like they were breathing fire instead of oxygen. Cole was a haunting, just when she thought he had gone away, he came back to remind her she was still his. 

She believed a big part of her would always be his, and she would never be able to get it back. She'd be two-thirds of a person for all her life. 

Emiline was a smart girl, but love leaves you stupid. She stood up and tried straightening her wrinkled clothes as best as two hands could. She smeared her mascara across her eyes but didn't bother fixing it or removing it all together. 

She had a mission and it's name was Cole. 

Taking nothing but a bit of subway money, Emiline hurried out her house without telling her parents. Cole didn't have any classes at four and she knew he would be in his apartment, either painting or writing his poetry that she never understood.

After a few blocks of walking and a subway ride, the girl had arrived outside the place of the boy who had stolen her heart and pulverized it into nonexistence. 

Apartment number 1971.

So many things phenomenons happened in apartment number 1971. She had fell in love, been painted, been kissed, had sex, and cried her eyes out. All of this happened in that tiny apartment. 

Her hand was shaking as she brought it up to tap of the old, wood door. 

The door opened and it felt like the entrance to heaven to Emiline. He was there in the doorway looking like he had been awake for centuries, soft, brunette disheveled in exactly the right way. His lips were pink like they had been kissed recently and Emiline didn't like that. She didn't want anyone kissing those lips besides herself.

Cole didn't look surprised to see her. He just grinned and let her inside. 

"Cole." His name slid off her lips like butter.


"I just need one more time." Hazel eyes narrowed on her. 

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"I've never been more sure in my life," she answered as she tugged her shirt off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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