Chapter 1 (BCFF's)

97 2 12

I wish I had a Best Condiment Friend Forever): 






and MORE


Salts pov:

I like wake up feeling tired and like my eyes feel heavy.. "Yawwwn" I stretch my like arms and legs and look like around.. ugh I'm still on like idiotic island.. I like look beside me and see pepper.. at least she's like here with me.. I rub the like sleepiness from my eyes and like try to shake pepper awake.. "pepper.. Pepper like wake up!" I whine, shaking her some like more.. "PEPPER!" I like yell while I keep on like shaking her.. "mhmmm what do you like want salt...? It's like 3 in the morning!" She whines holding like her head.. "ugh I'm like soooo bored!" I say as pepper just like sighs..

"Ugh fine.. what do you like what to do?" She like asks me with a tired face.. "idk like maybe we should like try to escape this dumb island again!" 

"And how would we like do that? Remember last time was just like pure luck!" she like yells dramatically waving her arms in the like air.. "Hmmm maybe we try to like climb on top of someone and like climb over the fence!" "Who'd like agree to even do that!?" Pepper asks rolling her like eyes at me.. "they like didn't NEED to agree! we could just like.. climb on top on top of baseball or somethin.." I say pointing over to baseball who's sleeping next to a book about how baby's are born.. "I guess we could like try that.." pepper sighs standing up and stretching..

"What if we like wake him up though..?" Pepper asks like rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes.. "does that like matter?" "I guess not.."

We like both start to walk over to baseball like covering our ears because how loud he like fucking snores.. we like both climb on baseball and like lift our selfs on to the gate and-


I jump out of like my bed panting heavily and like holding my chest.. I keep like getting these nightmares of pepper dying like over and over and over again.. I like hate it.. I get like up from my bed that I shared with like bomb even though I begged like OJ to let me have a room to myself sense Pepper.. is no loner....

I wipe the tears from like my face.. I like feel like I'm drooling.. I wipe the drool from my like mouth and like realize that it wasn't drool... it was blood..

 it was blood

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Pepper went oof- 442 words

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