Family Matters

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  • Dedicated to everyone reading my stories :)

Finally got to two hundred read! :D

Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much you guys!!!

You don't know how much your support means to me!

Oh and I just wanted to say sorry for the extremely serious chapter. If you don't know by now, I tend to abuse my characters. A lot. Expecially Scott :\

But enough of my rambling, I hope you enjoy :)

P.S. When you get to the part where I mention the music on the side, I suggest you hit play while reading the rest, just a suggestion ;)


Chapter Three: Family matters

        By the time I made my way back home, I was in an amazing mood. I had my coffee and finally got enough grinds just in time for my mother to wake up at 8:30. Sadly I knew at this point that my happiness would not last.

        My mother is a generally self-loathing person and even though she was a pretty decent mother, she abhorred every minute of it. Her worn out and frizzed dirty blonde hair could resemble Margret Simpson and there were already bags forming under her eyes. Yet all throughout high school she was the single most popular girl until she got pregnant just before graduation, with me. Thankfully my father was a great and surprisingly responsible guy since he married her. It wasn’t just because of me though, they really were in love. He turned out to be a successful doctor and the best father a kid could ask for.

         I closed my eyes and lay on the couch trying to recollect the memory that I should instead try to suppress. My father had just come back from the end of his first week as surgical chief resident and I could tell he was overwhelmed.

       “Daddy!” I yelled with excitement. I was bored that day because the weight of my father’s medical school bills had left me with a broken TV and a limited amount of toys to choose from. The real fun started when my father came home.

        "Hey bud,” he said with a grin and tired eyes that crinkled like wrapping paper on a Christmas morning.

        He grabbed a beer and sat on the couch, kicking his shoes off. I took this opportunity to sit on the couch closest to him and the two of us could have spent the rest of the day smiling at each other , it would have kept me satisfied more than anything. My father radiated kindness. You could see it in his eyes which were already starting to wrinkle due to his excessive tendency to smile at anything ever. He had wavy black hair that he kept short but his eyes looked just like mine, green. He was also very tall, over six feet which prophesized that I would also one day I would reach those heights. Everything about my dad was perfect and to me he was the coolest guy in the world, even cooler than my favorite superhero, Batman who I have ironically come to hate because of our similar coincidences.

      It was not until an expression of pure shock crossed my father’s identical green eyes when we separated eye contact. As many men usually did, he remembered that it was his tenth wedding anniversary to my mother at the last minute and he had no gift to offer her. He panicked and put his shoes back on so fast that he didn’t realize he had both the shoes on the wrong feet until he tied both of them up and muttered something about being too drunk to tie his shoes right. I was busy playing with my transformers.

       “Hey little man, how’s about you any me go down to the flower shop and I buy you a Kit-Kat?” my father asked me.

       If there was one thing that ten-year old Scott could not resist, it was a Kit-Kat. Because of my mother’s strict dietary regulations, my father and I had to occasionally sneak junk food in when my mom wasn’t around. It happened pretty rarely so I wouldn’t let such an opportunity pass. Little did I know that my father used that excuse to cover the fact that we were going to buy my mother’s favorite flower, the blue orchid, which was only available at a specific flower shop across town.

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