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Cat POV - "Meow?" that was all I said, for it was the only word I could say. I hurried to my human, passing by the dark moss colored walls and the messy covered wooden floors, I internally groaned, thinking 'Humans, such messy creatures'. I finally reached my human and her eyes seemed locked on her shoes.
I meowed another time and that seemed to get her attention, she looked at me and we locked eyes. It was silent for a second then I broke eye contact and nudged her leg.
She started laughing as my fur pricked against her skin "Simon!" she managed to yell out between giggles, she still somehow got some words through "Simon, stop." and so I backed up sitting on the ground and looking up at her, 'Huh?' my face must have said my thoughts because she responded with her baby voice "I have to go out shopping, you gotta stay here bud" she was now crouched down and scratching my chin.
My face now holding a bored expression I walked to the cat tree and laid in the sun. She just sighed and walked to the door, as she walked out she paused for a moment before looking back, sighed again and walked out, leaving the door closed. I peeked open one eye to see if she really left and it seemed she wasn't.
A happy expression now on my face I slid my way to the fridge, my movements were slick, like I had done this before. Which I had, I put my paw on the fridge forcing it to open. There were all kinds of foods in here, but I only grinned like a Cheshire cat once I saw the pickles. 'Humans are so dense, obviously pickles are not snakes.
I grabbed the jar with my teeth and started walking towards my humans desk. Her desk was tall, approximately seventy-two inches wide and thirty six-inches deep. I had to jump onto the chair and then the desk which was relatively hard with the pickles still in my mouth. My fur hit the desk making it stick up, annoyed, I groaned thinking of how I will have to clean it later. I grab my humans mouse and start turning on her laptop. She has the Asus ROG Zephyrus G15, it takes a minute to load so I start unscrewing the lid on the pickle jar.
Once I finally get the jar open the laptop is already turned on by now, I scroll past all her apps and go to netflix, finally being able to watch the new season of ginny and georgia. When all of a sudden I hear the door open and I stand frozen. I know how bad this looks with my hand in the pickle jar and me sitting back on her desk as ginny and georgia is on "sorry forgot my keys-" she stands there looking at me and I smile sheepishly.

Human cat...?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang