Chapter 3

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A few hours later, Andy was at home. There were voices out in the hall, then someone shushing them. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He called, walking to the door.

"It's Radke!" Someone sang. "Checking on your stripper endeavours." Andy groaned with a smile on his face, opening the door.

"Who the fuck invited you here?"

"Myself." Ronnie shrugged. Andy rolled his eyes and opened the door wider so he could step in.

"I still don't know why I'm friends with you."

"Cause I'm the only motherfucker that's just as weird as you." Ronnie retorted, walking in. "So you went to the club." Andy followed, sitting down on the couch.

"Sure did."

"Find one you like?" Ronnie asked casually, picking at his hand.

"Mhmm.. Yep."

"I bet it's Jinxx." Ronnie said, folding his arms.

"How'd you know?" Andy pouted, crossing his arms like a little kid.

"He's cute, snarky sometimes, sexy, got that kind of won't-take-bullshit vibe." Ronnie smiled.

"Makes sense." Andy stuck his tongue out at his friend before standing up and walking to the kitchen.  "Beer?"

"Sure." There was a moment of quiet and then Ronnie was casually mentioning something else. "Y'know, he sometimes works other places."


"Jinxx. He's taken a few nights at other clubs, and actually took down some greasy little shit for asking him to become a hooker."

"Wow," Andy said, walking back in and tossing Ronnie a beer bottle. "That's cool."

"Yeah. He's run with a wild bunch before."

"I bet I could tame him," Andy wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"I would love to see it." Ronnie smiled. "I heard he plays rough."

"All the more reason to go after him." Ronnie reached into his pocket and tossed a piece of paper onto the table.

"Then call him."

"Bitch whaa?" Ronnie shrugged.

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