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Kai's Pov 

as the two-mafia heads waltz back into the room, I smile inwardly as I see the laptop in their hand... it seems I must give out some information to secure a partnership with this Italian family. 

the reason I have decided to let my identity be known. is because they have the manpower and I have the information, so they need my help and I need theirs for 'revenge on them.'

I used another identity to help the head of the Irish mafia out in the past when their daughter was. Quinn was in trouble ... although they will know that was me in due time. 

I hear the question Matteo ask's me but decide to keep the conversation as short as possible, so I don't answer. I will only answer questions business related since the reason I know so much about handcuffs is related to my past.' 

I refocus myself on the task at hand, pulling myself out of the 'past.' that's on constant replay in my mind.

I needed the computer to show them 2 things, the first thing is what really goes on in that building their kids were being held in... and the second thing. video and documents running 8 years back dirt piled up on the 2 men who were involved in the kidnapping along with who they each work for...

I then show them pictures of one of the guys involved in the Russian mafia and one of the men from the Mexican mafia. 

then I say " these are the men who took your kid's one is from Russia the other from Mexico

then I put my secret code in and say, " And this is, all the things they have ever seen or done with videos and documents and conversation they have had." they look at me surprised and shocked."

then Nolan ask's " what do you want"

I then say something that shocks them " in return for all the information I have I want a partnership. with both mafia's... since there is a lot you both don't know"  

I then ask, " any other questions." ready to get out this room. I could have already left but I didn't want to become enemies while escaping plus this conversation is Beneficial to me too.  

that's when I hear a knock on the tempered glass in front of me and I look there then back at Matteo and Nolan. 

as they shake their heads in disbelief (I knew there were probably people on the other side)

Nolan ask's "what do you do."

I say, " to sum it up I infiltrate drug and sex trafficking places... as well as infiltrate child trafficking cases to get the people back where they belong 'home.'"

I also begrudgingly added " that's what I was trying to do when I came across your kid's."

then Matteo ask's "do you know phantom"

I smirk and say, " I Am Phantom."

they look at each other shocked. 


Antonio's Pov

IM seeing this exchange unfolding from behind the glass... although I seen it on camera I'm still shocked at this girl's strength and confidence against too of the strongest men I know.  

as she type's away at the screen I'm barely holding in my curiosity since I'm a big fan of the talent and accomplishment's 'phantom' has made.

when she ask's my dad if there is anything else they want to know I quickly knock on the mirror hopefully they know what I want them to ask her 

when my dad finally ask's her anticipation fill's me then the next few words make my eye's bulge out of my head. when she say's ' I am phantom'.

I then say out loud " WHAT, how old is she to have that much talent. like there work is Genius, we have to agree to the partnership... the results are endless."

Dylan say's " sure but how do we know she is telling the truth?"

my mom say's " SHE HASNT, given us any room to be skeptical of her. and let's not forget a most crucial detail, she saved your sibling's."

MIA chime's in " did you see how easily she got out of those cuff's, she could have easily escaped out of here, but she hasn't ... even I'm not sure I could escape 'LOCKED' handcuff's so easily and I'm pretty confident in my capabilities....

Andrea say's " I think at this point we have no choice but to agree with her offer. like she said we need her info and she need's us for some reason... if she has ulterior motives, they will be brought to the light eventually ... we will just be on guard when she is around until we know for sure she won't betray us." 

Dylan say's " do we really though I mean I'm sure Antonio here is just as good with technology" (while he puts his arm around my shoulder ruffling my hair)

he Know's I hate when he does that, I shrug his arm off and say," I assure you I am nowhere near the same level as 'Phantom',"

 my mom then say's " we should still give a potential partner a Brando welcoming."

Dylan say's as rolling his eyes " I guess I can agree to that, (everyone looking at him with a surprised face since he has been against this idea from the beginning 'probably because of his EGO'

"what" Dylan say's looking at us we shrug and continue with our conversation.

I say " I think we should give her a shot. If I know anything about 'phantom' it's that they never take down someone without a reason and if she is 'phantom' then that's going to prove to be a lot of help to us and taking down the enemies'.


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