The performance

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Matteo Pov 

I Can't help but be curious. about Her, her intentions seem pure but there is something else. a sense of familiarity, you could be thinking why trust her, why believe her ... but this whole exchange could have gone differently had she used my kids as bait used our secrets, but she didn't she came with information in exchange for manpower. right now, I trust in her goal to bring those bastards down. I trust she will do what needs to be done ... my oldest son Dylan doesn't trust easily after what happened years ago. a terrible hole was left in our family that day one that can never be replaced.  

she hasn't let her guard down not even as we are still on the plane. we have a lot of work to do. if we are going to get ahead of our enemies, I feel like she has what it takes to get things done.-


Antonio Pov 

I can't wait to learn from one of the best hackers in world. she definitely going to have some tricks up her sleeve. a move to tap dylan on the shoulder and ask "how long till we land."

he sigh's and say's "a few hours why... no let me guess your excited to learn from your idol " he rolls his eyes and turn's away  "so grumpy what crawled up your butt" he doesn't respond he has been so moody ever since kai came around. but I'm still excited.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

kai Pov 

we have finally made it to our destination I look around and everyone is either sleeping or doing their own thing I need to get to my base here so that I can start my plans. I stand up and grab my bag when they open the plane doors " I have something's to take care of it won't be long but i have all the information so I will head to you all afterwards."

I had Zaelia send me a car so I could get where I need to secretly, but I don't think the Brando's are stupid enough to follow me..

a/n just a short short chapter but the next one will be more interesting hope you all are still enjoying it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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