~chapter eight~

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We Sneak Away


"Sheba is going to meet us at a small lake north of here, in the foothills of the Hornfells. It should take us a day or two to reach the lake," Roman told me as we walked. "Once we get there we'll likely have to wait another day or two for her to catch up."

"Is she staying because of the hunters?" I asked, afraid for the wolf-woman.

Roman rubbed his eyes tiredly and nodded. "Yes; she is going to wait for them to reach town, and try to learn whatever she can of their plans before coming after us."

I swallowed the anxious lump in my throat. "That sounds dangerous."

He sighed and turned his head, his dark eyes glittering as he stared at the shadowy trees. "I know," he said eventually. His tone of voice invited no further conversation, and I took the hint. We walked in silence, until Dean came up beside me.

"So, Saundra. You still haven't told me what's happened to you since I last saw you."

Roman didn't seem pleased by this. "Be careful what you say," he muttered, shooting me a pointed glance before stalking away to walk ahead of us.

Irritable ass.

Dean watched me expectantly. I sighed. "Where to start," I murmured. "My life was entirely uneventful for the last few years, really, until the day my parents died. Since then, though, it's been an absolute mess." 

He nodded encouragingly, his eyes saying 'go on.' I looked at the ground as I stepped carefully over a mossy log, trying to organize my thoughts. "Well, I woke up that morning, and all of the servants were gone except for our cook. She woke me by shouting my name from downstairs, so I went to see her. She seemed to be in shock, and kept saying 'I'm so sorry about your parents, there was nothing I could do' over and over again." I swallowed the lump in my throat. Poor Lilia. I wished I'd thought to take her with us. She could be alive now. Roman would probably consider her a liability, though. He wouldn't have let her come. But she didn't have a chance, and it's my fault.

"I'm sorry, Saundra," Dean said. "I know this is hard for you."

Roman glanced back at us, and I looked away and swiped the rebellious tears from the corners of my eyes. I wouldn't let him think I was weak, crying over the cook. He turned away and kept walking.

"I remember rumors in town, after your parents' deaths," Dean said unexpectedly. "I heard that your family's servants were bribed to be away from the manor for the day, to keep them out of the way of whatever it is that broke in to get you. The cook apparently refused, likely because she was getting produce with Lord and Lady Heathway. All . . . all of the servants were found dead that night, though, scattered throughout town and homes like they'd all died suddenly where they stood."

Fear twisted my gut. "All of them, dead?" I asked, horrified.

Dean nodded. He looked like he was regretting telling me this, but he couldn't stop now. "Your parents were . . . bloodless, when they were found," he said hesitantly. I flinched, and swallowed the bile that rose in my throat. God. "When the townspeople reached the manor, the front door was completely splintered to kindling, and your cook's throat was slit. She was dead by the time people arrived," Dean continued. "Everyone thought for sure that we'd find you dead inside, but you were gone and the library window was broken. No one knew if the killers had taken you hostage instead, or if you'd somehow escaped."

I felt hollow. So much bloodshed. All because of me. But why? Roman still hadn't told me why I was so special - why Soran wanted me dead. I'm just . . . me.

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