Love or Mission?

14 2 3

"Break up with your boyfriend~ yeah im bored~"


The sounds of water dripping came from the lavish bathroom as a guy scrubbed his scalp with his long slender fingers. He stood there and had a mid-life crisis for a moment. He thought about Beatrice, Jeremy's beloved girlfriend. Jeremy let the warm water run through his forehead, then his eyes, then his soft plump lips.

Just a few hours ago, Jeremy's first kiss was stolen by Beatrice. His wet fingertips touched his lips, still feeling her lips touching his. He loved her. He would run 5 kilometres just to gift her presents for her birthday.

Beatrice was quite the attractive type, guys would stare at her beauty, attracted by her perfect body, gorgeous smile and her sweet personality.

Well lucky for Jeremy, he managed to snatch Beatrice away quick enough from the other guys who lust for her lips on theirs.


Jeremy finally gathered his thoughts together and starred at his phone which buzzed a few seconds ago. It was a text from Beatrice.

SB❤️sweet baby : hey babe just got home hru

delivered, 22:27

Jeremy quickly rinsed off the soap and dried himself with a towel. He wrapped the towel around his hips and grabbed his phone which laid on the counter, and typed in his password.

Me : hey princess just showered ;) wbu

SB❤️sweet baby : baby i wanna see you naked

Me : maybe soon haha

SB❤️sweet baby : okey fine,miss you! xxx
SB❤️sent one attachment

Jeremy couldn't resist himself from gasping. Beatrice sent a selfie of her in the most gorgeous wine red dress with a silky shawl on her slender snow white neck, her red lips looked so delicious. Her long legs were hanging off her bed in the picture, not even the toughest men could resist her.

He drooled a little and his saliva came out of his mouth. Jeremy felt like his life was close to perfection, he got money, he got a girlfriend, he's successful... He thought he won the jackpot in the game of life!


Beatrice, a successful young woman with a dirty secret. She had the gift of beauty every girl dreamed of. She liked men, specifically playing with men's hearts by charming them, then happily ghosting them after her mission is finished.

What mission? Her father runs the military. Cliché story with a twist. Beatrice's father may run the military, but Beatrice works for the mafia boss, code name Shrek. The father-daughter duo may be family, but their dirty secrets are kept hidden in the depths of their hearts.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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