15. Motherland

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My motherland
Where I was birthed and milked
Where I took my first step
And said 'mamma'

My motherland
The road I take when life is hard
My resting place and comfort
My home

My motherland
Where my voice is heard and understood
Where my tears are wiped
And heart warmed

My motherland
The place I call home
Filled with honey and milk
My peace

My motherland
Where I come back to when the world is after me
Where my filled head lay to rest
And my belly filled

Dear motherland,
When the time comes,
Do not leave me behind,
Take me with you wherever you go.

Dear motherland,
When they come to take us,
We will never let them,
We can never leave you behind.

Dear motherland,
Our home, our pride,
We rather have our blood on this land,
Than in a foreigners.

Dear motherland,
When the time comes,
Bury us under your hip,
And send flowers on our grave.

Dear motherland,
How I miss you so,
The smell of each season,
The laughter from each house.

Oh motherland,
If life could go as planned,
I am off to defend you,
While I am away, protect my family.

Oh motherland,
My tears have dried up,
My throat is sore,
My body is wounded, so is my heart.

Oh motherland!
It was a betrayal!
By our own!
Why motherland! Why!

Oh! Motherland!
We were sold by our own!
Chained by our own!
Beaten by our own!

Oh motherland,
It would be my honor,
Dying for your sake,
I wonder how my family is faring.

Where I grew up,
I shall see you no more,
I couldn't raise my own.

A place I loved so much,
Fight for me,
Fight for your own.

Fight for your own?
How can I ask you that?
To fight against your own people?

Oh motherland,
I fought victoriously, against my own
Though I won't make it back.

Oh motherland,
Dear motherland,
My motherland.
Till we meet again, to part in good terms.

#aph 🦢

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