24. To the Love I Lost

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Flowers and butterflies
Sweet scents and romance
Nice weather and comfort
These are what lovers seek
Or was it me?

It was love at first sight
Days was all it took
And I was in his arms
First time I had what I really wanted
Was it too much?

I had a list
I had it all planned out
Romantic dates and movie nights
And all those little cute things
Was that too much?

Even if it was
I was madly in love
There was nothing I could do
It feels like a flamed firework
There's no way I can stop it

But that is why it hurts so bad
I lost that love before it began
Never give love your all
Even when it's lost
You'll have something to yourself

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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