Scary movies & a bottle

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Ashlyn's POV

Law got up to put on a scary movie. After he did I asked "What movie is it?" He looked over at me with a smirk "You'll see." He winked and went back and laid down. "I got popcorn." Des said as the movie started playing. She had two huge bowls in her hands. Law, Kid, and I shared one. Sky, Ace and Des shared the other.

In the movie there were a bunch of teenagers that were going to have this party in a big house I the middle of the woods in the mountains. It started to get scary once they got there and the party started. There were these mutated cannibals living up there and they were closing in on the house.

I started to get scared when this happened..
Movie girl: "Ah shit! I left my phone in the car! I'll be back." She went outside, in the darkness, by herself. She opened the back door and leaned into the car. The cannibals surrounded her from behind. I started shaking a little with wide eyes.

Kid pulled me into his chest and held me tighter. The girl backed out of the car, but when she turned around..the cannibals swarmed her. I guess they ate her, i don't know for sure because my face was hidden in Kid's shirt. "Damn, got that stupid dumb bitch!" Des said and Sky slapped her arm. "What?! That's what she get xD"

Closer to the end of the movie, the last girl in the party got it the worst! Law made me watch this part by holding me and my eyes towards the screen. The cannibals had the last girl chained to a metal table standing up right but off the floor. She was only in her underwear (bra and undies) the family of cannibals dug their nails into her flesh and peeled it of.

"OMG THAT'S TERRIBLE! THEY'RE GONNA EAT HER ALIVE!" I slightly yelled. They continued the process until the smallest one went for her face. The camera was in her point of view and the screen went black once it's hand reached her eyes. All you herd was a scream in the dark and the movie was finally over.

"Was that so bad Ash?" Law said with a laugh. I was shaking with a petrified face. "That was TERRIBLE!" Everyone laughed at me and my inner coward. "You wouldn't be laughing if it were you yah ass holes!" They went silent. Kid scratched the back of his head "It was just a movie Ashlyn, jeez. Calm down..." I turned and looked up at him with the cutest innocent look ever.

"Let's watch an-" I cut Des off and yelled "NO!" She looked over at me and said "I was gonna say..ehem.. let's watch an action movie next." I laughed embarrassed. "Oh haha..." i trailed off. "Or we could play a game." Ace said outta no where. "What kinda game?" Law asked with a slight smirk. "LET'S PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Des yelled. Everyone agreed so i got up and got an empty wine bottle from the kitchen.

I sat the bottle on the floor as everyone formed a circle. "Okay, rules?" Sky asked and everyone looked at me. "What?!" I questioned with an annoyed face. "Its your house, what are the rules?!" Law said. "Ohhh! Um, i dunno. How about we play the fun way." An evil smirk crept up on my face. I got up and got a hat and cut up small pieces of paper and wrote words on them and dropped them in.

"A person will spin and it'll land on someone. The two people have to pick a card and whatever body part it is, that's where you'll plant your kiss." They all looked at me with smiles. "Okay let's play!" Des said "you can spin first Des." She gave me an 'i know i can' look "I was going to anyway." She said as she spun the bottle.

It landed on Sky. "Wait, that's girl on girl action there. Do we still have to?" They both looked at me. "It's up to you." I shrugged it off and they did too and said pass. It was Sky's turn next, she spun and it landed on Law. They each picked a card. "What'd y'all get?" I asked with a smile. "I got..." he flipped his card so i could see it. "Ha! Neck!" Ace tensed up a bit and he looked pretty posed off. "I got left cheek." Sky shrugged it off.

She got up, went over to Law and kissed his left cheek. He hovered over hers and nudged her cheek with his nose which made her tilt het head. Slowly but surely, Law kissed her neck. Both of their faces were a little pink. "Okay Ash, you're up!" Des said with a smirk and a wink. I spun the bottle and of landed on Kid. Everyone went ooooh abd i tried to blow the bottle. "Oh suck it up!" Des said and she handed me the hat.

I gave her a look and picked a card, so did Kid. I looked at my card and my face turned a light pink but his was straight red, just like his hair xD. "What'd you get Ash?" Sky asked. "L-lips..." She started laughing, "You made them!" I looked up at Kid and asked what he got. He looked at me and flipped his card.

I gulped and thought to myself 'i shouldn't have wrote some of these...'.
"Lower stomach...really?!" He asked with his face still a little red. "I dunno, i didn't wanna hold up the game and it was in my mind!" I said nervously. "Oh c'mon, just do it!" Law said and i breathed out. "Fine." I crawled over to Kid and got close to his face so our lips were an inch apart.

I closed my eyes, tilted my head a little abd kissed him. "Ahwe!!" Sky and Des said at the same time. Then everyone chanted "do it! do it! do it! do it!" as Kid took the hem of my shirt and slowly lifted it. He pulled away from our kiss, lowered his head to my stomach and kissed it all over instead of just the lower section.

I shivered a little which made him smirk, then he stopped. "O-okay, who's next?" I asked with a shy smile.

Author Ashlyn here, what does everyone think so far? xD Should i make it a little more funny? I think i might do a lemon next chapter...I'll let yah know tho.
Love you all ❤

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