The Mission.

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Quick authors note: This chapter is gonna have a lot more dialog than the other. Enjoy!

??? POV

"Alright guys. We're going to get our girl back tonight. If anyone of you slips up, you will answer to it."

"Yes, Sir!"

"Move out."

Ashlyn's POV

"You can come closer I'm not gonna bite you lol."

"Knowing you, i don't believe that statement."

"You're lucky you're not wearing any metal."

"Ha! Not getting me with that this time! But fine, I'll scoot over." I slowly inched over to where Kid was laying in my bed and looked up at him. "See was that so hard?" I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"Actually yes, yes it was." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer so that I was now laying on his chest.

"Ash, you're freezing!" I just shrugged it off "I'm always cold I have anemia remember I'm pretty much use to it now." (That's true of me.) He shook his head "Then you should be making an effort to stay warm." I gave him a small smile. "Your concern is adorable" his face turned a little red as he looked away.

I giggled a little, turned off my light and got comfortable. "Gnight" I said in a yawn. I felt a hand under my chin gently lift it up and I could tell I was inches apart from Kid's face. "Kiss me goodnight." Was the last thing I herd before the glass of my window was shattered and a group of men in all black were kidnapping me.

"Let go of me!" I kicked one of them in his lower region and hit another one in the throat. As soon as I got free a cloth was put over my nose, i tired to fight the chemicals as long as I could but i had to breathe sooner or later. I got very sleepy and fell backwards into someone's arms and everything went black.

Kid's POV

My head is aching, it feels like a weight that's stopping me from moving. "Kid. Hey! Wake up!!" I herd someone yelling but i couldn't tell who it was. I slowly opened my eyes and everything was blurry. "Look he's waking up!" I sat up and put a hand on my head to help the pain as my vision cleared up.

"Ughh what happened?" I asked and blinked a few times. "We should be asking you that! We herd glass break and screaming so we came to see what was wrong but when we got here you were knocked out, and the room is a mess!" Sky kind of yelled and then it hit me.... "She's gone! They took her we've gotta find her!" I yelled in a panic when Destiny pushed past Ace and Sky and analyzed the room. "Kid, what happened?! And....where's...where's my little sister?" She said the last part in a quiet voice that was full of concern, anger, and fear.

I told her everything that happened and her face completely fell. "You....let..them.............TAKE HER?!!! Out of the very few things in the world you were born to do and you couldn't protect my little sister?!! She could be getting tortured, raped or even about to be killed right now!!! And you- ughhh!!!" I feel terrible because, she's right. I could've done so much more to protect her. "Well, sitting around isn't gonna do us much good. We've gotta start searching." Law said on his way out of the room, everyone followed. I sighed and looked back at the broken window before leaving.

Ashlyn's POV

I started to regain my consciousness slowly. My head feels like I got kicked by a horse ten times. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to put my hand on my head but I couldn't, i looked back and saw i was chained to a wall. Not an ordinary wall either, it's the wall in the back of a cell. There's one light hanging from the ceiling, it's cold and creepy, and worst of all...I'm starving!

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