chapter 1 arrival (pilot) :)

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After the events of Pandora Humanity withdrawal from the planet for now but tensions Grew From Mars on Earth as mars was the first planet Humanity colonized before heading to Pandora do that time tensions grew until one day Humanity launched there all our attack against a peaceful race of people on Mars forcing them into war.

The year was 2171 just 15 years just passed after the events of Pandora as with that failure Humanity engaged in war with the civilization.

[ near Jupiter year 2171 time 5:00 p.m.]

Back on Mars everything wasn't peaceful as the civilization was engaged in war with Earth as Mars was losing after the Pandora incident Humanity from Earth engage with war with Mars through unknown reasons.

While in space a cruiser from Mars was being chased by Fighters that was stolen after the Mars Air Force was wiped out and used their technology against them.

While in space a cruiser from Mars was being chased by Fighters that was stolen after the Mars Air Force was wiped out and used their technology against them

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Talon XF-400.

Talon XF-400

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United.Mars.Branch Cargo Cruiser.

As the cruiser was heading to Jupiter as the asteroid belt had specialized turrets asteroids as they were hollowed out inside to be operating pill boxes as hundreds of Fighters were taken down after the cruiser passed by the meteor belt as it was heading to Jupiter still as one of its moons had a big crater in it as it was making a beeline for it as it was taking many damage.

Captain I don't think we're going to survive for long. ???

Full throttle you need to lose these Fighters. said the captain.

As the captain was an unusual person as he had spikes jacking out of his back with a dark Navy gray color and a prohensile tail including the others as he gone to the radio telling one of the base for Jupiter to open the portal that led straight for Pandora.

Bass Alpha you better open that portal we're coming in hot. The captain said.

Hold on we're hoping to pull in 5 seconds. The radio replied.

We're not going to survive 5 Seconds. ???

.we're going to need that portal open. the captain shouted
4 hurry up! ???
3 we're not going to survive! ???
2 come on! ???

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