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Jenna?" she turned around and faced me. "Oh my gosh Lucy? Is that you?" I smiled and nodded. She pulled me into a warm hug. "I haven't seen you in... " I cut her off "10 years yeah." She let go and looked at me, hands still resting just above my elbows. "you look great." I blushed and looked down tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "thanks. So do you Jen. LA looks good on you." She smiled. I couldn't help but stare. "so what brings you to town?" I asked keeping the conversation going. We moved to the front of the que and a little pair of hands tugged on my sweater. "mommy can I get a piece of cake?" Jenna looked from me to the little girl standing beside me. "Jenna this is my daughter Ivy. Can you say hi to mommy's friend?" the little girl hid behind her mothers side and shyly waved her hand. "well hello there little cutie." Jenna said kneeling down to Ivy's level. She smiled sweetly at her and Ivy smiled back. She was a little nervous around New people as most 6 year olds are. I bent down and smiled at my beautiful daughter. "of course you can have some cake baby go pick one." She ran off to the counter smiling widely. I stood back up and faced Jenna. "wow. She looks so much like Stella." I smiled sadly. "yeah. It's hard to wake up to her everyday and see how much she is like her." Jenna smiled softly and touched my arm. "I'm sorry I wasn't there Luce. I was in Romania and I just couldn't get away. I know how much yall loved each other and I wanted to reach out but it was hard on me too." It was my turn to place a gentle hand on her arm. "hey. Its OK. I completely understand. Life gets in the way sometimes and we can't avoid it." Ivy came running back over excited about her cake. "I want the chocolate one mommy." She was jumping up and down pulling at my sweater. Jenna giggled at her and joined in jumping up and down too. "I want chocolate cake too Lucy!" I rolled my eyes and giggled as I watched them laughing at each other. "I see you still haven't grown up Jenna."

We got our orders and even though I refused Jenna insisted she paid. We sat down to catch up while Ivy was playing on her ipad. I swore I wouldn't get her one but in the end I decided it would be good for her so long as she didn't use it constantly. I took a sip of my coffee and watched Jenna do the same. "so how have you been?" I asked as I sat my cup down.  "I've been good. I'm taking a break and I'm home for a few months to just be as normal as I can." She put air quotes on normal because she's Jenna Ortega. How normal can her life really be? I smiled a little knowing she was going to be here for a while. I missed seeing her as much as we used to. "well in that case if you're home for a while we should hang out sometime. Like the old days. Have a sleepover, talk crap, watch movies and all that other stuff." She smiled and lifted her coffee. "I'd like that. Here, put your number in my phone." She sat her coffee back down and handed me her phone opened. I typed my number in and handed it back to her. Our hands touched as I did and I felt the static electricity run threw me. I felt my cheeks burn up and mumbled sorry. She smiled and looked down her cheeks turning a blush colour as well. "it's OK." She looked at the time and started getting her things together. "I've really gotta go. Mom is expecting me home in about 20 minutes for dinner. But I'll call you about meeting up." I stood up and hugged her. The smell of her perfume intoxicating me. "no worries. It was really great catching up Jen. I'll speak to you soon. Ivy say bye to Jenna. Ivy jumped up and ran over to Jenna throwing her arms around her. We both looked at each other shocked and smiled. "bye Jenna. See you soon." Jenna hugged my daughter tight and kissed her head. "bye sweetie. I'll see you soon." And with that she put on her sunglasses and walked out leaving me staring at her through the window. I forgot the effect she always had on me. 

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