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I watched her walk away from me. My tears spilling out over my red, puffy eyes. I saw her reach her hand up to her face and wipe a tear away and fix her sunglasses. As she approached the gate she turned back to me and smiled one last time before putting her head down and boarding the plane. I stayed and watched as the plane took off and sat there in my own thoughts for a while. It wasn't forever but it sure felt like it.

"Orla, babe, come on you can't stay in bed forever." My best friend Mel got under the covers with me and poked my nose. "she'll be home before you know it. Its only 8 months and y'all will facetime all the time." I sighed and felt a tear rolling down my face. My whole world had left me and I felt so alone. I know it wasn't for long but when I wasn't with Jenna it felt awful. She was the breath in my lungs, the beat in my heart. I needed her to live and she wasn't here. Mel wiped my tears and pulled the blanket off us. "come on. We're going out. Jenna wouldn't want you cooped up at home waiting for her like this." I nodded my head and slowly sat up swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. Mel was right. Jenna wouldn't want me moping about. She'd want me to be living my life. She'd be home soon and it was almost time for her to call. I didn't want her to see me crying. It would make her feel guilty for leaving and I didn't want that. As if on que my phone rang. I smiled realising it was my love. "ill leave you alone" Mel said exiting my bedroom. "hi baby. I miss you already. How's filming going?" Jenna smiled at me through the phone. Her perfect smile, her brown orbs staring at me. "omg it's sooooo good love but I wish you were here with me." She smiled a little less and I could see her eyes going glassy. "baby don't cry OK? You love filming. And it's only 8 months. You'll be back before you know it." I had to try and stay strong for her right now. We spoke for around 20 minutes before I heard an assistant call her back to set. "love I have to go but I'll call you later after filming OK? I love you so much and I miss you more than my words can tell you." I smiled at the beauty on my screen. "I love you more my queen. Speak to you soon." We hung up and I let out a sigh. I could feel the tears spilling out again. I hated missing her. We hadn't been apart from we moved in together 9 months ago after dating for 3 years. I got up and went to my closet to get ready. Tonight needed to be fun.

"Haha! YES STRIKE. In your face Mel!!" I punched the air and done a little happy dance and saw Mel with her phone out recording me. "you're such a bad winner dude." She laughed before putting her phone away. I giggled and sat down beside her. "thanks for taking me out tonight girl. Its really took my mind off missing Jenna." I side hugged her "you're welcome. By the way. I sent that video to her." I laughed "omg no you didn't!" I playfully punched her arm. "come on let's go home and watch crap on Netflix." I pulled Mel up and we left.

Its been 5 months from Jenna left. I still miss her everyday but its getting easier. I'm surprising her on set. I'm flying out for her final 3 months and  I'm so excited. I took one last look that I had everything and walked out the door towards the waiting car. I can't wait to hold Jenna in my arms. Its been far too long.

"OK Jenna. Once more from the top OK?" I took a quick drink of my water and nodded to the director. 

I finished the scene and when the director yelled cut I heard a laugh coming from behind the camera that sounded way to familiar to me.  They moved closer and I realised it was Orla. I started running. "omg baby!! What are you doing here!?" I ran straight into her arms and she spun me around holding me close. When she sat me down we kissed. I felt fireworks as always. 3 years later and this girl still sends a shiver down my body when she touches me. "I thought I'd come see my woman in action. Besides, I need to keep those crazy fans of yours in check. I've seen the hash tags on twitter. Lesbian for Jenna, marry me Jenna. I need to show them you're mine." I threw my head back and laughed loudly. I took out my phone and opened the camera. "well then, let's show them what they're up against."

I stood beside the monitor watching her. It was her final scene. After this we were going home. My gorgeous girlfriend was killing it on as always. I loved watching her in action. It was like watching the gods perform. She had a gift and she certainly used it. I must have looked like such an idiot standing there smiling my ass off but I didn't care. She made me feel things I never thought I would feel. She was incredible and she was all mine. I was pulled from my thoughts watching Jenna run towards me. I opened my arms and she ran into them kissing me hard. "you did amazing baby. I'm so fucking proud of you." She smiled, kissing me again. "thanks love. Let's go to my dressing room so I can get changed, then we can get on the plane and go home to our bed." She let out an excited squeal as she spoke which made me giggle. I loved this girl so much. How did I get so lucky to have her? Out of everyone she chose me to be her forever. Man I'm so fucking lucky. 

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