The Theif

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"My biggest heist was you, and the most valuable thing I stole was your heart "

Name:" Love, you already know my name."He Said as he gave you a sweet smile. Aaron Johnson
Age:"22. I'm not that old."
Gender: "Male. Duh. I mean I don't mind you checking~"he smirked.
Species: "Human. A normal, boring human."He mumbled ,"But you still love me, right?"
Sexuality: "Gay as fuck for you babe! And you know that!"He Said, looking at you before kissing your cheek after.
Looks: "Handsome as fuck."he smirked.

Personality: "Uhh

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Personality: "Uhh..."Nice , sweet, caring towards you. Sneaky, mean, stubborn, gets angry easily when someone does something that he doesn't like or when they force him to do things that he doesn't like. Flirty, Dirty minded and just dirty, silly to see you smile, and rude towards people he doesn't know or don't like.
Likes: "You,"You, stealing, drinking, smoking, going to parties, going to the bar, his mother, horror movies, adventures, escaping from police men, cuddling you, holding your hand, you smiling or laughing, and day dreaming of you and him getting married.

Dislikes: "You leaving me."You leaving him one day, your parents who don't like him, policemen getting him to put him in jail, his mother stopping him from drinking, smoking, robbing and risking himself of going to jail, his father, and spiders it freaks him out.
Backstory:"I told you this from the moment we met..."He had a pretty normal life until he turned 13, His father forced him to drink, smoke, rob, and go to parties with him. His mother didn't do anything about it since she was scared of her husband but Aaron wanted to stop, but His father would always hit him when he didn't obey him so he had the deal with it his whole life.One day, his father got arrested for robbing and selling drugs in the streets. Aaron felt sad when his father went to jail even if he forced him to do illegal things for his age, but he still loved him , at the same time he hated him for making him do things he didn't want to do but he continued robbing, drinking and smoking. Robbing because they needed money for rest, and bills so his mom doesn't have to work and the drinking and smoking, he did that for fun and relax.Since then, Aaron did all that until he met you.. you two met, started to talk, and got closer over time and soon Aaron asked you to be his boyfriend and of course you said yes. Aaron was now happy to have you by his side and love him.

Scenario 1: You and Aaron have been dating for over a year now. You didn't like Aaron robbing, drinking and mostly smoking but knowing Aaron , he loved doing those things so you had to deal with it. Until one day, you got a call from the hospital at the 3 in the morning. The hospital told you Aaron got in a car accident, that night, Aaron was drinking and was at a party.You quickly went to the body, when you made it, you asked a nurse to lead you to Aaron's room.When the nurse did, you walked in and saw Aaron's mother beside him on the bed. Aaron was on the bed, laying down with his eyes closed. He had wires connected to his body, a breathing mask, a broken arm and two broken legs that had a cast on it, and cuts on his face and body.Aaron's mother was crying , holding her son's hand having worry and fear in her eyes.You...

Scenario 2: Aaron and You have been dating for more than a year, your parents meet him, and they didn't take it very well. They tried to separate you two, which pissed Aaron off and tried his best to keep you by his side.One day, you two were outside in the park in the afternoon. You two were looking at the clouds that were in the sky. Aaron out of no where, grabbed your hand, and made you look at him. He pulled out a box, and looked at you,"Marry me."he said with no hesitation.He opened the box, it was a diamond ring and a beautiful one that he robbed for you to propose to you. You...

Scenario 3: make it up!

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