Chapter 01 // Another Five Nights

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"OK everyone, split up and try finding whatever old shit that's worth salvaging."

All your co-workers nodded and split off in different directions. Not knowing where you should go, you went down a corridor that ended up leading to the bathrooms.

There were some posters that were salvageable and a few drawings kids had drawn many decades ago. You gather as many as you can and put them in a neat pile outside the bathroom doors.

You head into the women's bathroom and look for anything. You were hoping to find pieces to an animatronic or even a whole one but the bathrooms didn't seem like the place you'd find that. The women's bathroom had nothing but some decade-old toilet paper.

Leaving the bathroom, you head into the men's room and search around only finding the same things and extra graffiti. Surprisingly, this is one of the cleaner rooms at Freddy's. You chuckle at the memory of your boss saying that at another location.

You look at your watch, 5:47. You'd have to head back soon. You hadn't realised how long you had searched the bathrooms. You leaned against the wall opposite the bathroom doors and go to pull out your phone. Suddenly the wall collapsed backwards, you falling with it. You had to push a bit of debris off your body.

You sit up and reach into your back pocket to find your phone and turn on the flashlight. Looking in one corner there were old arcade machines that looked older than the rest of the pizzeria. Score! You think, getting up to move to the arcade machines. You were just happy you could bring something back to the group rather than a few old pictures.

Shining your light on the three games, all the colour had faded and you could no longer read what any of them said except for one, Happiest Day. You walk over to that one and start clicking some buttons. Some no longer pushed others were just stiff.

As you suspected, the machine didn't turn on but you still found yourself pushing buttons. Out of nowhere, there was a flash of light on the screen, you jumped back accidentally dropping your phone that landed face down.

You couldn't make out a thing on the screen, it was probably just some old game but something about it freaked you out. You wait for the screen to go fully dark again before reaching down to find your phone. After finding it and picking it up you looked at a different part of the room. What sat there almost made you drop your phone again.

A real (or what you assumed was real) animatronic sat slumped over against the wall. You slowly approached it to get a better look. A moulding green rabbit sat, in what looked like a stained puddle of blood. The smell this thing gave off was horrible, similar to a dead animal. You kneel next to it and touch what you assumed used to be soft fluffy fur but was now a rough and cold surface that was kinda sticky.

Through the tears in the animatronic and holes that the mould and whatever else living on the rabbit had made, you could see something that looked like a body. Endo skeletons were wired back then. You thought looking up at its face. The rabbit was staring right at you. It's cold, dead stare just looking into your eyes. That's just how it was positioned when you got here. You tell yourself trying to calm your breathing and beating heart but you remain frozen in fear.

"Y/N!" You hear a voice yell from the hall outside. You stand up quickly and head towards the voice. The voice belonged to a girl you recognised immediately. A taller girl with black hair and pale skin with deep brown eyes.

"Allison! I'm so glad you're here."

"Haven't you heard us? We're leaving now. Grab whatever you've found and come on."

"I'm going to need some help. Come look at what I found." You tell the woman in front of you, leading her into the room you found.

Allison followed and froze when she saw the rabbit against the wall.

"You actually found one?! Stay here, I'll go get the others!" She ran off immediately.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me," You say walking towards the animatronic again. "I hope you don't mind changing dark mouldy rooms."

It didn't take long for everyone to get there, most helped to carefully move the rabbit out of the room whilst others made safe walkways and/or grabbed the arcade machines.

Once back at Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction, everyone started decorating the place with everything found, you were unsure of where they left the rabbit. Whilst everyone was doing that, you were heading home after all, you still had the night shift to work.

It wasn't going to be bad, you've already survived one, you could easily get through another five nights and after that, the place is open! It didn't change a thing about the night shift but you get opening night off, that's a bonus!

Tomorrow Is Another Day.

Word Count: 865

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