Chapter 4

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The kit turned and winced at the sudden pain of his wounds when he moved his small head. "Hello? where am I this doesn't look or smell or look like Riverclan camp, mama said she would take me back to Riverclan camp when she comes back." mewed the kit, who was clearly confused by the Windclan scent and the camp.

Coralclaw moved his face away from the kit and opened his jaws, speaking softly towards the kit. His expecting gaze turned to Championheart, the she-cat who had found the kit. Championheart shook her head "We found no other Riverclan scents. His scent along with fox was the only fresh scent we could track." the red tabby meowed, slowly dipped her head, with an almost sorrowful and sympathetic glance for the kit.

"I'm sorry little one, but the patrol couldn't smell your mother anywhere, there was only the scent of a fox and your scent" Coralclaw frowned, moving closer to the siamese kitten. The kit also frowned and leaned his soft head against Coralclaw's thick fur.

Elkkit crept over, his muzzle upturned as his head tilted at the kit "Hey there! I'm Elkkit!" He greeted with a joyful mew. The kit flinched but he then grinned at Elkkit "Hi!" he mewled as he gave a soft smile towards Elkkit.

"What's your name?" Elkkit asked, his tail flicking with curiosity before pointing up in a friendly manner as he tilted his head to the side. The kit tilted his head in confusion, his short fur bristling "My.. name?" he whispered "I don't think I have one" he continued. Coralclaw had an expression of concern on his face. "Your mother didn't give you a name did she little kit." He murmured pressing his nose gently against the kit's body.

The kit shook his head and flicked a torn ear with a wince. "She said that I am a mouse-brained kit, that's all that she called me" the kit explained, wrapping his tail around his sore body. Coralclaw and Elkkit frowned at the kit's words. Coralclaw turned to Elkkit and nodded to the young cat "I will be back, I am just going to speak with Batstar" he murmured as he padded away from the two kits

Coralclaw had returned with Batstar, the intimidating Windclan leader sat in front of the two kits "So you say you want to care for this siamese kit, Coralclaw?" Batstar retorted. "I do Batstar, Scarstone will know of this decision as well" Coralclaw replied, giving the kit a gentle lick between the ears.

"Very well, you may welcome this kit into Windclan and name him as you please." Batstar nodded and leapt back to her den. Elkkit meowed happily at the news and jumped up and down in one spot. "What are you going to name him Coralclaw?" he asked inquisitively.

Coralclaw gazed down at the small kit and smiled, "Larkkit" he mewed softly, wrapping his tail around Larkkit, who let out a soft but happy mew. A blonde colorpoint tom padded towards the group of cats, the third nursery tom of Windclan, Fennelwhisker, two kits that seemed not much older than Applekit and Sorrelkit quickly followed.

One kit, a ginger and golden colored colorpoint she-kit stepped forward politely to greet Coralclaw with a joyful mew "Coralclaw who is that?" she asked, pointing her surprisingly dark nose towards Larkkit. "Well Basilkit, this is Larkkit, he will be staying in the nursery with Elkkit, Sorrelkit, Applekit, you and Eiderkit" Coralclaw replied to the small kit.

Fennelwhisker smiled "well that's fantastic, the more the merrier, isn't that right you two?" he meowed, gesturing to his two kits, Basilkit nodded and the orange colorpoint tom-kit beside him poked out his tongue in defiance.

Elkkit laughed at the orange kit's action "Haha! You're funny Eiderkit!" he called. As the conversation had ended with Fennelwhisker and Coralclaw, Coralclaw picked up Larkkit by the scruff of his neck and took him to where Scarstone was chatting to a massive, red colorpoint she-cat, who seemed quiet in the conversation, Elkkit decided to hide himself in the brambles and eavesdrop on the conversation that was about to occur between the three warriors.

Antlers and Feathers {warriors fan-story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora