Kidnapped my the mafia boss's son (Part 2)

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Real A/N: That's my cat at the top 😎

The hot baddie teleported me to his secret lair.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-who are you s-s-s-s-s-en-en-en-en-enpai? I asked cutely. 🥺🥺

"I'm your new alpha."  He growled in his super hot baddie voice. 🥵🥵

"A-are you t-t-the m-m-m-mafia boss's son?!?!?!?!?!?!?!." I purred in my baddie voice grr. 🥵🥵😡😡😈😈

"Yes baba grill." He said as he bit his lip." 🫦🫦🫦

Just then hot baddie Jake broke in.

"YOU ARE ONLY MINE." He growled showing his teeth and his glowing red orbs GRRR.

"I HAVE A NEW ALPHA NOW." I screamed.

Then I used my super baddie kitten powers and murdered Jake cutely.

Then I started to make out with my senpai, but in a baddie way. 🖤

I bit my lip and stared into his red orbs and you can guess what happened next. 😏

I gave birth to 5 shards of glass cause that's just how baddie I am. After that we got married and bought a pet gargoyle named "Fluffy wuffy pookie bear." 🥺😈

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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