Not so Human (Part 1)

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A/n: This is a void stiles x reader!!! Pronouns probably won't be mentioned a whole lot, but it'll just be they/them when it is. This is the first part of the fanfic, and I'll be working on it as often as I can!! Feel free to leave suggestions for what should happen or something like that, I'll probably also do like one shots of whatever character anyone wants!

Context: The pack met up at Derek's loft for a meeting of how to catch void, and y/n wasn't invited. He ends up knocking at y/n's door, but it's actually Stiles and void is dormant(not in control at the moment).

He looks down at you, his eyes full of tears and his hands holding you tightly. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I have no idea what happened. I just started going, as if on some sort of auto pilot." He says, his voice trembling and his hands shaking.
You sit there, unmoving as he lowers his head onto your shoulder, still weeping. You're not sure how to react to your best friend, the love of your life, but also the vessel of a dark spirit pleading to you for forgiveness.
He did terrible things, but it wasn't him, it was the Nogitsune. Stiles was innocent, only being used as a tool to cause chaos and strife. What was the pack going to do to him, they don't think he could be saved, but you do!
You open your mouth to speak, but before you can mutter a word, your vision goes black and you've fallen unconscious.
You feel cold.
You're eyes flutter open and quickly dart back and forth, trying to recognize anything, to find something familiar. Then you see him. Leaning against a wall on the other side of the room, he smirks and waves at you.
It feels like it's getting colder.
You feel a weight around your wrists and ankles. Chains. Keeping you from moving more than a few feet from your current spot on the cold concrete floor.
He did this.
You glance back at him reluctantly, he's still just standing there. You build up the courage to speak to him, "Why am I here...?" you ask him with chattering teeth. He smiles and walks over slowly, he stops just a few feet from you, just out of your reach.
Looking directly into your eyes for just a moment, he scoffs and turns away. Pacing back and forth, he finally says "You really don't know do you?" You look down, considering what he asked. What is he talking about?
Minutes pass by of him awaiting an answer but not expecting one, until you finally answer with, "Stop this! Please, why did you bring me here?!" He simply laughs, "Seriously? They didn't even tell you what you are?" You lightly gasp, he's lying, you think.
He walks over to you and gently grasps your wrists, pulling you up from the smooth floor. You initially flinch at the contact, but something about the look in his eyes makes you relax. He seems kinder now? Surely he isn't being serious though, I'm human... you try to reassure yourself. But then he unchains you and something inside you clicks.

A/n: I hope everyone enjoyed the first part! Please leave any suggestions or just anything!

Void Stiles x (they/them)Reader (And taking oneshot requests, smut welcome!)Where stories live. Discover now