Not so Human (Part 2)

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A/n: Part 2 here!! Warning, there is a bit of suggestive conversation!!! No other warnings though, please enjoy!!!!!!

You stand still, shocked by his actions, as he lightly tugs your wrist towards him and says "Aren't you coming, surely you don't want to stay here, cold and alone?" It takes you a moment, but you come back to your senses and step closer to him, trying to keep yourself from staring.
He leads you up some stairs and into a kitchen, this place wasn't Stiles's house, so where the hell could we be? You look around, the place looks abandoned, but rather clean.
He lets go of your wrist and pulls out a chair and motions for you to sit, "Are you hungry or thirsty? I can make you something dear.." he states. The sudden nickname "dear" causes a shiver to run up your spine, but not necessarily a bad shiver...
You take a seat and rest your hands in your lap, unable to decide whether to hurry and make a run for it, or to stay and see what happens. Despite the strong urge to run away, you finally decided to stay.
He stands, leaning against the counter, looking you up and down, waiting for your response. You realize this and suddenly blurt "No!" followed by "I'm so sorry for yelling, I didn't mean to I swear!!"
He walks over to you and places a hand on the side of your face and simply smiles, a genuine smile... For just a moment you could swear you saw a tear threatening to fall from his eye, but he quickly backs away and crosses his arms.
You look down, saddened by his sudden change in mood, it's as if Stiles is in control one second, but immediately gets overpower by void... or it's just void, maybe he's hurt? It's so unclear what he wants and how he feels...
You stand and creep closer to him, looking up at him in awe, his eye bags are heavy and he looks like he's criminally insane, but he's so attractive...or Stiles is, to be fair it's kind of hard not to feel something, even though it's not actually Stiles...
You walk around and stand in front of him, he stares down at you, "Do you like Stiles?" He randomly asks, cocking one eyebrow. You nearly choke when he asks this, and quickly reply with "W-What? Why would you ask that?"
He simply shrugs "Why haven't you tried to run yet, hmm? It's clear that you feel something for him.." You glare at him, and walk away, "What if I were to run, right now? I'm guessing you'd immediately catch me or threaten to hurt Stiles? Am I right?" you retort.
He laughs a bit, "Come on, you wouldn't leave even if you could, you want to stay here, don't you y/n?"
Your face begins to turn a light shade of pink in response to his statement, "I-I no- well... dammit, okay, yea so what? Why does it matter anyways? Why would you take me, it's not like the pack would even notice me missing-"
A malicious grin appears on his face, as he walks up to you, he settles his hands around your waist and leans down to your ear and whispers "I'm not gunna hurt you or anything love, unless you ask me to.."
Your face burns red, as you try to escape from his grip, but his hold on you only tightens. Why is this affecting you so much, why is he making you feel this way? He gently picks you up bridal style and begins walking down a hallway and towards a bedroom.
You hold your face tightly in your hands, ashamed of the way you feel, towards him, void. You wished everything would just stop, but at the same time, everything that was happening was so thrilling, better than the neglect you receive from the pack..

A/n: Think I'm just gunna end part 2 here, sorry lmao!! Also I'm so sorry if it's bad, I really didn't know what to write really, but I tried my best!! Again I hope you enjoyed and feel free to give suggestions and any comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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