Chapter 2

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"What now?" asked Lucy, irritated at Melisa and Stella who were sitting in her room, determined to take her with either one of them. 

"Why are you yelling?" Stella asked.

"Are we so boring that you prefer to live alone?" Stella said, sulking a bit. 

Lucy was looking at her thinking about whether to agree that they are too boring or just don’t reply at all. 

"Louisa look!" Spoke Melisa taking both Lucy and Stella's attention

"You can live with us for some days. It-" 

"And why would I?" Lucy asked not letting Melisa finish her sentence 

"Anyway don’t you guys get tired of nagging? Also, did they fire you? Both of you? How come both of you suddenly have so much free time?" Luck asked raising her eyebrows 

"Now get out. Go back to your respective home. I have work to do." saying Lucy went straight to her study room shutting the door behind her. 

"Don’t you think we should take her to a psychiatrist?" Stella asked staring at the room still in disbelief 

"She is a psychologist herself," Melisa replied 

"So? She needs therapy. How long is she going to pretend that she is alright?" Stella said in a concerned voice

"And she lectures us how important it is to let out all emotions and stuff," Melisa added 

"Ikr! But Did you hear from Sanha?" Stella asked 

"Nope. Eunwoo said he is in Japan now" 

"Woahhh! Just Woah!" Stella exclaimed 

"Why is he in Japan now? He broke up with Lucy and it's been a week. What the hell is he doing there?" Stella asked sounding too irritated at Sanha 

"Don’t know. I just feel like beating him up." Melisa replied 

"Don’t be too mean to him. He has his reason-" 

"You wanna die Mrs. Park?" Melisa added smiling 

"... Nope" replied Stella 

"I am beating the shit out of Sanha for real," Melisa replied while leaving. 


Stella and Melisa for the 999th time ever came to take Lucy with them. For the past week, they have been trying their best to spend time with her. But Lucy keeps pushing them away. She has kept herself busy with work. Not letting herself feel any single emotions. It's not like she didn’t break into pieces. She didn’t have any more energy left to cry and try to search for Sanha. But when Eunwoo said Sanha left for Japan after breaking up with her she decided not to waste any time or emotions on him. Because parts of her knew where he was now. Even though she continuously kept cursing her inner self to think like this again she didn’t find any other reason for Sanha to go there. 

After 2 or 3 weeks Sanha came back to Seoul. He didn’t contact Lucy. He was different than he used to be. He wasn’t sad, hurt, or upset yet he wasn’t too happy, or cheerful either. On the contrary, Lucy was too cold and too busy with her research and teaching. Sanha was talking, meeting Jinjin, and Eunwoo as if nothing had changed. As if he didn’t break up with Lucy and disappeared for weeks. 


It was Jinjin and Stella's 3rd anniversary and they were hosting a party for their close friends. Even though Stella was sure Lucy wouldn't show up as she officially abandoned everyone and was permanently living in her lab, she surprised Stella by coming there. Stella was even more surprised by seeing how smiley Lucy was. She was genuinely smiling and talking to others. 

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