Father & Friend Departs, War Continues in Rage

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From where we left off last, the dust only risen.
"I hope you burn the roof of your mouth when you eat pizza rolls."
One may say, a glaring eye shine in a darkened sky. They hadn't been fighting for long but surely this would quickly resolve..
Benny shockingly fires; "I hope your father never comes back!" Absurd, Cheese thinks to themselves, a smile curving. Benny is quickly losing creativity.
"Oh, Benny," Anemo begins, walking slow and steady, "you're going over your screentime limit."
Benny's eyes are wide, every part of him dilates, his veins are bulged. He lays there on the ground once more, a scar left fresh on his face, punched again when left there, when left to think with the little thinking time given.
He cannot think.
Does Benny just give up now?..
No! He can't! He's been looking for a chance to prove himself, this was a way to fire back and win! But what to say?
"Silence?" Laughter suddenly fills his ears, enraging him, as he lie helpless in seas of battle, but this one, this one hurt him most.
"It's time your nap!" He cries, desperate and hoping he could use their own cards against them. He stares at Cheese, for some reason, longingly. Even this, Cheese holds a glare at them, looking down, looming over in utter disgust. A light perfectly gleams over the two.
"I hate you Benny." Cheese spits and walks off, only to fire again, and Anemo has retreated somewhere, far off else. But Benny doesn't care, with Cheese only in view. Benny found no interest in currently fighting two, without..his friend? Whisked away, he realized a helping hand was not there. He realized just now, his team disbanded.
"Missing someone?" Cheese observes the flat terrain, in constant change. "Your father, perhaps?"
Benny gulps, his eyes glistening..with fear.
"You're one to talk!" He says weakly, but managing to shout to try and make himself look like the bigger man. Cheese turns around, from facing Benny with their back; "Benny..he won't come back at this rate."
Benny bites his lip- "You don't know anything!" His heart is beating for many reasons, stress and anxiety, and one more feeling he has yet to know. Too immature, perhaps.
"You ugly! Is that how you really look? Gross!" Benny yells and poses, stomping his feet and pushing himself forward. Cheese just cackles, all evil things to Benny, poor Benny.
It's silence for a moment, blows of soft wind passing the two. Coincidentally, Anemo joins again.
Benny is lost.
He covers his eyes, glancing up briefly, seeing the two giggle amongst themselves. What was this, was his pain funny? Was he a laughing stock?
"Seeing these kids fight..it's quite funny." A sideline member says, just beyond a square the three in battle had basically created. Anemo turns, a terrifying smile, almost creaking like a door on their shadowed face.
"All for pure entertainment," side eyeing Benny in and instant, who has all means to make an escape.
Benny doesn't want to be used any longer! But just what..what can he do?
A lightbulb appears over his head, as Anemo and Cheese watch. Benny may have fallen multiple times before, bleeding and scratched up in differing areas. But it seems to fuel them. What can he do? Play their own game, play every round like they do. It should surely work? Anemo and Cheese step forward, Cheese automatically goes for striking blows.
All Benny has to do, is copy.
And everything will be fine.
Benny is doing is very best right now. Don't fail now, Benny.
Make one person in your life proud, for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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