The Long-awaited Chapter 11!!!

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(A/N) HEEEEY GUESS WHO IS IN COLLEGE. GUESS WHO. HEEHEE. IT'S ME. not like you care or anything I'm just really excited. New school. New life. New victi- I mean, friends. Friends.

{your pov}

You and Jake ate lasagna until you got fat... and Sollux found someone else and moved on.

I'm kidding. I wouldn't let you guys have all the lasagna for yourself.


{your pov}

You and Jake were watching a movie. "Hey, (y/n)." he poked your cheek. "Can I tell you a secret? Promise me you'll keep it between us?" you nodded your head while your eyes were glued to the movie, the girl was being attacked by buckets, the most terrifying thing you have ever seen. Jake pouted but you didn't see " (y/n), look at meeeee." you shushed him " nooo, this is the best part. She's going to turn into an awesome heroic female who will vow to destroy all buckets." you put your hand over his mouth. "nsgksbcidbwksobwo" he struggled to get your hand off his mouth and when he finally did, he whispered the words "I like you." into your ear but it overpowered the screams of agony from the television. You stared at him, not knowing what to say. He gazed into your eyes and leaned in.

Timeskip~ brought to you by laziness and lack of ideas :)

The next day you woke up because of your goddamned alarm and headed downstairs to make breakfast. You checked the fridge for something to munch on and found some leftover lasagna. Which reminded you of last night's events.

After Jake confessed to you, he leaned in for a kiss but you pushed him away gently. "I'm sorry but I can't..." he pulled away and chuckled "It's alright, (Y/N)... I shouldn't have acted so hastily." he ruffled your hair and stood up " I'll be going now, (y/n). See you when I see you" he winked at you and left. You stayed there and watched the rest of the movie but you couldn't seem to focus on the movie itself.

After recalling last night, you remembered something. Something very important. Something that was supposed to happen today... IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. And you will be late if you don't get your butt inside the shower, young child. You ran up the stairs, nearly face planting on the 9th step. ((Yes, I counted the number of steps in which you almost fell. )) Took a quick shower and put on some pants and a black shirt and your favorite gray jacket. ((it's gray because i said so.)) You got your sling bag and filled it with a sketchbook, some pencils, an eraser, a normal notebook, and a pen. Oops. Don't forget your cellphone. You went out the door and started running. You stopped because you forgot to change into your shoes so you walked back to your house. You got the shoes, wore 'em and ran to school.

You arrived just in time and took a seat. The bell rang and the professor walked in. He was taking attendance when the door opened to reveal a familiar face. "Thorry I'm late." Sollux. You felt awkward as Sollux looked at you. "Well, then. That's alright, it is the first day after all." the professor checked the attendance to confirm Sollux' attendance. " Just make sure that it doesn't happen again. Please take a seat." Sollux walked to one of the seats at the back. Far from you. The prof talked about what you should expect from his class and all that until finally, it was recess.

You walked over to Sollux' seat. "Hey, (y/n). Fanthy theeing you here." he didn't look at you. You didn't answer. You didn't bicker with him. You just looked at him. "(y/n), pleathe. If you don' have any buthineth with me, I'll be going." he left the room. You watched him walk away.

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