C2: American Idiot

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{Picture is Danny}

"Kaiser? Kaiser wake up.", I hear Cherry's voice lulling me awake.

"I'm up, I'm up.", I mumble, sitting upright in my bed.

"You have an hour before you have to leave, Lilly will be here at 7:30 to walk you. Sound good?"


She leaves my room and I drag myself out of bed, finding something quick to wear (plain purple t-shirt, black sweater, skinny jeans & sneakers) and brushing my teeth/doing my hair. Once I feel I look okay, I head downstairs.

"Hey Lilly.", I say, waving to her since she's sitting on a stool in the kitchen. I sit beside her and Cherry brings me a backpack, filled with two binders ad four notebooks, and pencils and whatnot. I smile at her and look back at Lilly.

"Um, lets get going I guess.", I say, putting my backpack on my back and waiting at the door for Lilly, making sure I have my phone.

"Bye Cherry, bye Brad!", I call out before closing the door.

We walk in silence for a couple minutes before I finally speak up.

"Are people nice here?", I ask.

"Depends on who you mean. Generally, yes. But like always, theres bullies. Just ignore them and you'll be good.", she smiles back at me. "Also theres this one kid, Danny Nix, super weird, super gay. You do not want to be caught talking to him, trust me."

I nod and we walk to the front of the school, going to the front offices to get my schedule, locker number/combination and books.

"We have every class but theatre together. Nice. I'll walk you to your locker then seeming as how its across the hall from mine.", Lilly says, leading me through the school.

"This school is huge for such a small town. I'm surprised.", I laugh as we turn yet another corner, until she stops at a set of dull yellow lockers.

"Heres yours, 5507, and heres mine, 5603.", she smiles. I fiddle with the lock until getting it undone. A loud bell rings and it doesn't take long for people to come flooding into the halls.

I quickly put away the books/binders I wont need, shutting my locker and locking it, joining Lilly by the water fountain.

"Okay, your first class is theatre, which will be down this hall and to the left, third door.", she tells me. I nod and head that way, trying my best not to bump into anybody.

The theatre is quiet, just the faint sound of students murmuring and humming.

"Ahh, you must be Kaiser Mysterium. Pleasure. My name's Mr. Elms but skip the formalities, call me Jon.", the theatre teacher tells me. "You can have a seat over there right by the kid in the hoodie with the black hair."

I walk to where he told me to and sit down, putting my bag on the floor.

"Hey.", the person next to me says.

"Hey.", I say back.

"Names's Danny, Danny Nix.", he says, outstretching his hand.

"Kaiser. Kaiser Mysterium.", I smile, taking his hand and shaking it.

Mr. E- Jon, starts talking and Danny and I whisper to each other the whole class.

"Yknow,", I whisper, "This one chick who my parents are making me be friends with told me to stay away from you. Said something about you being super weird and super gay. The gay part is fine, really I couldn't care less about what gender you're banging, but you're not weird, not in the slightest."

"Yeah. The whole school thinks I'm a vampire or something because I listen to My Chemical Romance and Green Day instead of The Backstreet Boys and Snoop Dog. And about the gay part, yes, that is 100% true and I'm proud of it.", he smiles.

"Hey, wanna come over after school or something? I'm sure my parents would love to meet you. They'd be excited that I have a friend.", I laugh.

"Yeah sure. Meet you out front at three?"

"Sounds like a plan."

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