C3: Where The Lines Overlap

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I meet him out front as promised and we walk to my house together, talking the whole time.

"Dude no way.", he says. "We're neighbours."

I smile at him and we walk into my house, kicking off our shoes.

"Cherry? Brad? I'm home and I brought a friend over!", I call.

"You're Cherry and Brad's kid?", Danny asks, setting his backpack on the floor.

"Foster kid, yeah."

Cherry walks into the room and smiles.

"Danny! How nice to see you again. I'm glad you two made friends, you are neighbours after all.", she laughs. "Why don't you and Danny go up to your room and I'll call you down when Brad gets home, sound good?" We nod and go upstairs into my room.

"Dude your room is awesome. Is that a kitten? Its so cute!", Danny gushes. And there is indeed an all black kitten napping on my heat vent with a note taped to the wall.

Here, have a cat. -Brad

"Cherry! Brad got me a cat!", I yell, Danny and I attacking it with cuddles, but gently.

"Do you like her? She didn't come with a name so you can give her one yourself.", Brad says from the doorway. I hand Danny the kitten and go over, hugging Brad.
"I love her."

He smiles at me and I return to see the cat playing with Danny's hair.

"She likes you.", I laugh. "I can't think of a name. You name her."

"Seriously? Okay. Um...", he thinks for a while before finally deciding. "Helena?"

"I like it.", I smile. "I'm showing Cherry this adorable lil fuzzball. You coming with?"

He gets up and follows me downstairs.

"Cherry!", I call.

"In the kitchen!"

I walk into the kitchen with Helena and Danny.

"OhmyGod its so cute! Whats its name?", Cherry gushes.

"Her names Helena, courtesy of Danny.", Danny smiles at me and I smile back.

We all talk for a while before taking Helena back upstairs and deciding to order pizza for dinner.

"Your parents are so cool.", Danny laughs, flopping down onto my bed.

"Yeah. I think I'll like it here. What about your parents? What are they like?", I ask.

"My moms a lawyer and my dads a federal agent. They aren't home a lot.", Danny replies, scratching Helena's tummy.

"So, you said something earlier about liking My Chemical Romance?", I ask,

"Yeah. You know them?"

"I might.", I smirk, opening my closet to reveal whats basically an MCR shrine.

"Is that a setlist? YOU SAW MY CHEM LIVE?"

"Sadly, no. Bought it off eBay. Still cool though.", I say, closing my closet.
"I don't get why people think you're weird."

"Its because I'm not afraid to be different. I mean look at me, I'm not exactly what you call normal.", he laughs. "Normal is a setting on a washing machine. Who wants to be that?"

Helena meows quite loudly, scaring the both of us, causing us to break out in laughter.

I will definitely like it here.

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