Grover comes back with a dumbass and a Minotaur

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   I was just trying to relax. But no, demigods never get to relax. Yes, demigods. The Greek gods are still out there, fucking people's parents. Or in my case, combining their genes with my dad's to produce a magic baby(me). Hopefully for you, you're mortal, and think that this isn't real. If not, you're in big trouble. My name is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, and I ran away from home at age 7.

When I was younger, I had a fairly shitty life, which is common for a half-blood. So I went on the run. I was out there for a few months on my own, until Luke and Thalia found me. Luke was a son of Hermes, and Thalia was a daughter of Zeus, unknown to them at the time. They let me travel with them. They had rough childhoods, too, so Luke promised that the three of us would be a family, a better family than the ones we had before. He gave me my knife, and we went on.

But then we met Hermes. Because of that, Luke changed, like he had something to prove, even though he didn't. Luke wanted to pick fights with more monsters, more often. We met Grover, too. He told us about camp. But then monsters chased us. More monsters than ever before. We were caught in a Cyclops' lair, stalling us long enough for the demons to catch up. We couldn't outrun them, so Thalia stayed behind. Zeus thought it would be "Oh so merciful" to turn her into a tree in her last moments. We got to camp, but she was dying, turning into that tree on the hill.

That was what my brain was busy thinking about. Of course, it couldn't be going on a quest and saving the world, making my mom proud, or winning Capture the Flag, but trauma. My mind loves to think about fucking trauma. But then I heard a commotion. Of course, I went to investigate. As per usual, a monster was at the front door. This time, it was a Minotaur, in pursuit of a dark-haired boy, and a satyr that I assumed was Grover. It did not look fun. There was a mortal woman there, too, from the looks of it. The boy was running, carrying Grover with him, towards Thalia's tree. But the Minotaur was quicker. The mortal, probably the boy's mom, dissolved into thin air. Of course, as the most logical fucking thing to do, the boy started insulting the Minotaur, from the looks of it. Surprisingly, it worked. The bull-man charged, and the boy snapped one of his horns off, using it as a weapon, stabbing the creature in the rib cage.

He defeated a monster on his very first day, but he wasn't happy about it. He was still screaming for his mother. Still, there was something about him that told me he was the child of the prophecy. I knew it this time. He collapsed on the porch, and we were to take him to the infirmary. I had to tell Chiron, though.

"He's the one. He must be."

"Silence, Annabeth," he said. "He's still conscious. Bring him inside."

Annabeth Chase and the Son of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now