He drools in his sleep

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   Of course, the newcomer didn't wake up, which left me watching him in the infirmary. Why me? Will Solace was new to camp, and his healing methods involved feeding people so much godsdamn ambrosia they would spontaneously combust, as he wasn't aware of how powerful that stuff was, so he was told to tend to other patients, as were all the rest of the healers, because Travis and Connor had done whatever stupid shit they did on the regular, so that was what they all had to work on. This dark-haired boy didn't know how to pass out, either. He kept waking up, then going right back to sleep. Also, he drools in his sleep. Not very attractive, and not very easy for me to force-feed him ambrosia. He looked so stupid it was funny.

His eyes opened. They were mesmerizingly sea green. Not the nasty polluted color of the ocean that looks like shit water, but the color of the water on the beach in photographs, like a greenish teal color. He looked tired, too. He had eyebags, but he looked more mentally and emotionally tired than physically. Then I remembered that he could be the child of the prophecy. He knew things. He could maybe even get me a quest. He wanted whatever the fuck he needed, but I wanted information.

"What will happen at the summer solstice?" I asked. He had a confused look on his face, but it could have been fake. He could be the one. I checked to see if anyone was within earshot. "What's going on? What was stolen?" I clarified. "We've only got a few weeks!" I'm not too fond of deadlines and time restrictions. They just made life so much more complicated than it already was. He began to mumble something, but I heard a knock on the door, and as he was only half conscious, and I didn't trust him to stay quiet, I force-fed him a fuck ton more ambrosia, before opening the door to see Argus.

I figured that was my cue to leave, as while I prefer to handle things on my own, I was fairly certain that I could leave Argus with the new kid, as I knew babysitting was something Argus could do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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