The Curse of Pemberley

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Chapter I

On one day sometime in Autumn, Jane decided to go on a walk to get some fresh air and admire the countryside. Somehow she got lost on an Estate that was unknown to her. It was a huge Estate. With beautiful fields and gardens around it. Many flowers were blooming around it. The leaves already shimmered in the Autumn sun in a facade of different beautiful colors.

Her blackish-brown hair waved through the autumn winds. She admired the sight of that Estate. She has never seen it before and she did not know where she were.....

As she liked it here she decided to go on a walk for a bit. Jane suddenly. While admiring her surroundings she suddenly bumped into someone. „Hm...?" Jane looked up and saw a tall Man with darkish brown hair and deep grey eyes shortly looking at her. The man returned his gaze to the field. „Who are you and what are you doing on my land?" he asked. She looks at him surprised, not saying a word.
„Answer my question or I will have you removed." he exclaimed. „And if I were you, I'd watch my tongue I am Fitzwilliam Darcy, owner of the fine establishment that is Pemberley Manor, and owner of these very fields you stand on, show some respect and answer my question. Now." he continued.
Jane looked at him „My... my name is Jane Nightlord.." she said in a stuttering tone, looking at Fitzwilliam Darcy. „I just saw the fields of your Pemberley and I must admit it is really beautiful here..." she looked around and smiled gently.
Darcy looked up and down at her – the way a man does to a woman, a lady, and he smirked. „You really took your sweet time getting to the point, Ms. Jane, but I appreciate the compliment on the estate. Do be careful though. The road here can be dangerous to the unintiated." he said and it somehow sounded like a threat. He looked to the sky and frowned. „The Sun is already setting now and I won't tolerate a new face at my estate during the night. You should head back to the town by now" he said sternly. Jane looked into Darcys cold eyes as she was somehow shocked at such a rude attitude. „Yes, indeed, I should.." she answered as it slowly started to rain. With a glimpse Darcy looked at her „You are still here?" he asked in a mockingly surprised tone and let out a long sigh followed by a loud groan of frustration. „Very well, you can stay in my guest chambers tonight, but you must get out of here by tomorrow mornung. I am not interested in taking in some stray woman from the town." he said and started heading back to the grand estate. His clothes already getting soaked by the rain.
She looked at him with a surprised expression. „Thank you..." she said as Jane bowed slightly following him to his estate.
„Do not be fooled, Ms. Jane. The fact I'm letting you stay in my home for the night is not out of the kindness of my heart. It is simply the gentlemanly thing to do. You must be out of here by sunrise. You are not welcome in my home for any longer. If you are still here by then... you and I will have.... issues." Darcy said in a stern tone. They round a corner as Jane sees the grand sight of Pemberley Manor. A true English Palace. It is so grand and exquisite it left her speechless.

„I will be gone by tomorrow morning Mr...." she said as she seems to have forgotten his name. She wondered what he meant by that they would have issues if she does not leave tomorrow morning by sunrise. As the great Pemberley Manor appeared in front of them she could not help but open her mouth out of amazement.

„Darcy. My name is Fitzwilliam Darcy, the Master and Owner of Pemberley Manor, one of the greatest estates in England, is that clear?" he said to Jane in a haughty tone. Darcy looked at Jane up and down with his pearcing grey eyes and gave her a very unapproving look. A slight scowl on his face. He gestured to the front door „Enter" he said.

Chapter 2

„Mr. Darcy..." Jane said. What a name! She liked his name but she did not like his attitude. Anyway she decided to play along as he allowed her to stay until tomorrow morning. She entered the Door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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