A cold start

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Dear diary.

Our new ship has been doing amazing. We have had this ship for just 2 days and it has been doing better than any ship we had before. The only down side is all the fish we have been eating, but cooked salmon isn't too bad. And the ship isn't the only thing that is doing amazing, the weather has been sunny and cloudy for the last 3 days.

But there has been something on my mind since we bought the boat. And that is the company that gave us the boat, I think the company was called Call of the Sea or something like that. For some reason our captain decided to help Call of the Sea by collecting sharks. Because apparently that's what Call of the Sea hunts for. So as we are sailing we also have to try to catch sharks. But other than that everything is fine. Nothing  very interesting has happened so I might just stop writing.

Never mind, something interesting is happening. My friend Bob is arguing with the captain. I don't fully what it is about but from what I can hear from the other room it has something to do with Call of the Sea. Turns out Bob  is very suspicious of Call of the Sea. 

This is after the argument and they  seem to have calmed down.  Also we had tuna for dinner and it wasn't too bad. But now it is getting very dark so I'm going to write tomorrow. William signing out.  

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