The First Cut Is The Deepest

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[Meredith enters the locker room and puts up a Roommates Wanted sign on the noticeboard. She wants non-smoking non-Bush-supporters with no pets.]

Meredith VO: (to city montage and Izzie/George/Cristina/Alessia arriving) It's all about lines. The finish line at the end of residency, waiting in line for a chance at the operating table, and then, there's the most important line. The line separating you from the people you work with. It doesn't help to get too familiar.

Alessia (VO): To make friends. You need boundaries between you and the rest of the world. Other people are far too messy. It's all about lines. Drawing lines in the sand, and praying like hell no one crosses them.

"That's... wise?" Harry said unsurely.

[We see Meredith talking to a blonde woman, another intern.]

Meredith: Look, I'm sure you're very nice, but I've very particular about who lives in my house and you're just not right.

Blonde: Why? Look, I'm quiet, no loud music, no parties.

Meredith: Where were you when the Challenger exploded?

"The what?" most of the wizarding people question.

"You know what, never mind." Alessia said.

Blonde: The what?

Meredith: The space shuttle. Challenger.

Blonde: Uhh, I think I was in kindergarten.

Meredith: Exactly. No.

[The camera shows Izzie, Meredith and George in a corridor.]

Izzie: Why do you put up posters for roommates if you don't want roommates?

Meredith: I do want roommates, we're together a hundred hours a week, you want to live together too?

"Oh yeah no, that would be annoying," Tonks shook her head vigorously.

Cristina: No. Ooh, you're bringing bribes now? (Meredith has coffee for Bailey)

George: I need a place to live. My mom irons my scrubs. I have to get out of there.

Meredith: It's not a bribe, I don't think it's a good idea.

"It seems like a bribe," Harry said.

"And I agree, it probably isn't a good idea," Charlie agreed with the on-screen Meredith making Alessia and Cristina snort knowing how annoying Meredith found her two roommates, most of the time.

Alessia: It's definitely a bribe

Meredith: No, it's not.

Alessia: Oh, it is.

George: But I can put down last, first and deposit.

Cristina: It's totally a bribe.

Izzie: I can cook. And I'm an obsessive cleaner.

"Not a good idea." a few people said while looking at Izzie and George.

Meredith: No. I just want two total strangers who I don't have to talk to, or be nice to, and it's not a bribe, it's a mocha latte.

"Bribe." Alessia and Cristina said.

Bailey: George, you're running the code team, Meredith, Alessia take the trauma patients, Cristina, deliver the weekend labs to the patients, Izzie, you're on sutures.

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