Winning A Battle, Losing The War

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[Meredith's in bed. It's 4:37am and raining.]

Meredith VO: We live out our lives on the surgical unit. Seven days a week, fourteen hours a day. We're together more than we're apart - aaah! (Izzie is standing at the foot of her bed)

Izzie: George's room is bigger than mine.

"I knew it was going to be a problem," Tonks muttered triumphantly to Charlie.

[Meredith gets up but trips and falls flat on her face. She limps away.]

Alessia laughed at Meredith's expense.

Meredith VO: After a while -

Izzie: I have more clothes, I should have the bigger room.

Meredith VO: the ways of residency -

George: I got here first.

"Seems pretty fair." Percy shrugs.

Izzie: It's Meredith's house, she should decide.

Meredith VO: become the ways of life.

George: My room is like, two inches bigger than yours!

Izzie: You have a bigger closet!

George: So? Why is everything always a competition? I -

Meredith VO: Number one: always keep score. (Izzie and George argue in the background while she looks for clean clothes) Number two: do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy.

George: ...put your clothes somewhere else!

Izzie: Everywhere else is filled with Meredith's mom's boxes.

George: Meredith? When is your mom coming back to town anyway? Because maybe we can put her boxes in storage.

Izzie: Or unpack a few things, make this place a little more homey. Maybe some throw pillows and lamps, a few paintings.

George: Oh, paintings would be nice.

"It's not your house," Bill said while looking at the two of them ridiculously. They don't get to decide about what should happen in Meredith's house.

Izzie: Yeah! You have all this amazing stuff just packed away. In the back hall, I found this box with like a hundred tapes of your mother performing these amazing medical procedures.

George: Really? We should watch them. Meredith, you want to watch -

[Meredith's door slams in their faces; a moment later, it re-opens. Meredith takes Izzie's coffee and shuts the door again]

Most of the people in the ROR laugh

George: Meredith, do you want some privacy?

[Meredith slumps against the other side of the door, holding her coffee.]

Alessia patted Meredith's shoulder amused.

Meredith VO: Number three? Don't make friends with the enemy.

[We see Bailey, Shepherd and Alessia standing on a street corner.]

Derek: Morning Dr. Bailey.

Bailey: (holding up a hand) Shut up.

Most of the people laughed.

[Alessia laughs at Derek]

Derek: You realise that I'm an attending and you're only a resident? So you work for me, right?

Alessia: I don't think she cares, Der.

Bailey: I know I've forgotten something, something is happening today, I know I should know what it is, but I just can't...(shakes her head)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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