Little Things- Scisaac

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Isaac smiled at the love note left in his locker. It was simple and romantic but it was always enough to put a smile on his face. He put the letter inside a special binder he made.

In his car, there was another rose that Scott just so happened to see and thought Isaac would love. And every time he did. He adored the each and every flower that Scott would stumble upon. Something so small but it made his heart swell extra large in his chest.

The next day, there was a gift on his doorstep. A cardigan that Scott saw in a nearby store that he assumed would look gorgeous on Isaac. He beamed and placed it around his neck instantly. Something seemingly cheap made him feel like he was the most special person in the world.

Scott hugged Isaac and kissed him as he opened the door for him.

"How's schooling in France," Scott asked, "Did you receive my gifts?"

"Every one of them," Isaac said, handing him a binder, "Look through it once I leave."

They talked for what felt like only 20 minutes. Around 10 at night Isaac glanced at his phone.

"You have to leave again, don't you," Scott asked.

"I'll be back," Isaac said.

"I'll wait for you," Scott reassured, "However long it takes."

Isaac left the house and Scott looked through the binder. It was a collection of pics, threads, notes, and petals of every gift Scott gave him. On the next page, Isaac wrote a poem titled Little Things. Scott laughed a little as he read it but his face held the widest grin in the world. The last sentence took him by surprise though.

"I know these little things are so big to me but I hope that the little ring is something that will keep our love flying free."

Scott went outside as he noticed the date at the bottom. Isaac was knelt on one knee with a ring in his hand. All of their friends and family stood around as they watched Scott began crying happy tears.

"Will you marry me, Scott McCall," Isaac asked.

"YES," Scott said, hugging him.

The ring was placed on his finger and while it was a small diamond with a simple band, it made Scott feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Because it his little thing that came from a huge heart filled with love.

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