Part 1

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(This is your first day going to a new are currently fixing to turn 19,but the reason your still in Highschool is to make up all the absences you had in elementary through middle school.)

Navis:*Yawns and rubs her eyes*Ughhh....*she turns her alarm off and checks the time*7:30?!Shit!im gonna be late on the first day!

(Navis gets up and gets ready quickly,she doesn't have time for breakfast so she went ahead and left.)

-7:48 am-at school-

Navis:I'm gonna be late for class!*she turns her head around for a second when she was running but she runs into someone*
???:Oh I'm so sorry!are you okay?do you need me to help you up??
Navis:N-No..don't worry...*i get up and pick up my books while the unknown person helps me*...Navis.Whats your name??
Ginny:Oh,I'm mom named me Virginia,but I'm known as Ginny...wait..are you the new girl that is supposed to be in my English and Math class??
Navis:I think so,is English your first class??
Ginny:Yeah,I believe yours is you need help going to class?
Navis:Yeah,I do.Can you please show me around the school after English??
Ginny:Yeah!Ill also introduce you to my friends.I bet they would love you!
Navis:Sounds great!*i check my watch* It's 7:58,we should head to class.

(Ginny grabs Navis' hand and leads Navis to class.)

9:10 am-Freetime until 10:15-

(Navis leaves class with Ginny and she goes somewhere in the hall where there are 3 girls and 1 was reading a book while they were all sitting down against the wall.)

Ginny:Hey guys!this is Navis.Navis,this is Maxine,aka Max,Norah,And Abby.
Max:*she elbows Norah*Guess what Norah,Another "N" In MANG!
Norah:Oh,shut up! that a bad thing or No?
Max:Nah,It's cool as shit.

(Ginny and Navis sit next to Max and they all have a long conversation.)

Ginny:Oh Navis,Me and you should have a sleepover!
Navis:A sleepover?I never really have sleepovers since I moved to welsbury..everyone is just strangers to me.
Max:Oh,Navis are you Gay?
Max:Oh Ginny...Your mom is gonna make Navis GAY GAY.
Max:Ginnys mom is like,EXTREMELY hot.
Ginny:your making me not want to have a sleepover Max.
Max:Oh wait,I should show a picture of her to Navis!*she pulls her phone up and looks for a photo*Here.Look!*She shows Navis a picture of Georgia*
Navis:*she blushes*Damnn...
Max:I know...Guess what Ginny!
Max:Navis has a crush on your mom!Navis has a crush on your mom!*She says in an annoying sing-like tone*

10:13 am-almost next period-

Navis:Holy shit guys,its 10:13!we have to get to class!
Ginny:RIGHT.Next is science.I believe your in the same class as max so she should be leading you to there.
Max:*She gets up and gets her things*Come on Navis.
Navis:*she gets her things and stands up*
Max:Love you,Mean it!
ANG:Hate you,Kidding!

Navis POV:

(For the rest of the day,I have thought about Georgia and of how beautiful,(and hot..)she was.I cant wait to have a sleepover with ginny and to meet Georgia.I hope she's single...)

*Time skip*

3:10 pm-after school-

Navis:*walks out the school and catches up with ginny*Hey Ginnn.
Ginny:Hey Navi!do u have anyone to pick you up?
Navis:Well umm,My mom is supposed to but..she's very alcoholic and abuses me a lot so I think she forgot about me as always.
Ginny:Oh I'm so sorry.if you want you can stay with me and my mom for a few weeks?
Navis:No,no it's okay..I don't want to barge into your family life like that.
Ginny:Look.Your literally like my best friend now,and I care about you a lot already and it's just your first day here.Stay with us.please?
Navis:*she hesitates to answer*uhhh...I guess it won't hurt just to stay a few nights...
Ginny:*She smiles*Good.My mom should be here to pick us up in a few minutes.

3:17-Ginny and Navis get picked up-

Georgia:Heyyyy ginny.
Ginny:Oh god.Mom are you drunk?
Georgia:No,I'm just not normal on a daily basis.get your ass in the car and...Ahh,Your gay,ginny?*she locks eye contact with Navis*
Ginny:What?!No!Mom,this is just my friend,Navis!
Georgia:Well,She's very pretty.
Navis:You too..*she turns bright red*
(Georgia smiles at Navis)
Ginny:Oh god,mom,don't start flirting with the 19 year old!
Navis:I'll explain later...
Georgia:No Like..I think I've got me a match,ginny,thanks a lot.

3:30 pm-at home-

(Georgia,Ginny,And Navis all enter the house)

Navis:Woooah.This is so much better then my moms crusty ass trailer...
Ginny:my mom is just fancy with everything.anyways,make yourself at home,if you need anything,I'll be in my room...which is upstairs.

(Navis goes to the living room and sits down.a few minutes later,Georgia walks into the living room and sits next to her)

Navis:Mhm.And your Georgia.
Georgia:Mhm..I was going to ask you..what did u mean in the car when you said "I'll explain later"??
Navis:Oh, know how im a 19 year old in Highschool?
Navis:Well,Im trying to make up all the absences that I had in elementary thru middle school.I had at least 15 or more absences every month,because I had terrible depression problems and my mom would make me stay out of school to beat me.and my mom would always say it's because I was sick and something was wrong with me.*She starts to tear up and her voice gets shakey*
Georgia:Oh my God,I am so sorry peach...come here...*she pulls Navis into a hug and partially cuddles her like she has never cuddled anyone else like it before*
(Navis starts to cry into Georgia)
Georgia:Shhh...It's okay.Your safe with me you want to take a little nap to get your mind settled off of things?...
(Navis nods)
Georgia:Okay,Okay.*she lays Navis down and puts a blanket over her*If you need me,I will be in my room,okay?im gonna stay close to you,don't worry.
Navis:..G-..Georgia...can you stay down here?..please?... have to do some business with work,but when I'm done,I promise I will come back down.

(Georgia goes upstairs and Navis falls asleep,at around 5:30 pm,Navis wakes up to Georgia cuddling her gently,like she was a newborn baby.Navis felt safer then she has ever felt before.I think I'm going to have a good rest of my life as long as I'm with Georgia.)

(I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,tell me if you want more!because I will gladly make another chapter!<33)

Her peach.🍑(Georgia Miller x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now