Chapter 4: Notch?

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Deadlox: Help!!!!!

Sky: Comin'!!!!!

Sky ran to Deadlox but along his way, he was blocked by another person. His name was Squidlova1094.

Squidlova1094: Awww (BLEEEEEEEP). You're not gonna go and save his poor @$$, are ya?

Sky: Oh yes I am, now, get out of my way or you'll get hurt.

Squidlova1094: Heck no! You're gonna have to get through me, (BLEEP).

Sky: Woww, you swear a lot.

Deadlox: Halp*

Sky: Deadlox!!! Hang on bro!

Squidlova1094: Well, come on bro, and let's see what ya got.

Sky: Get off me!!!

Squidlova1094: Oh I sure ain't doing that, ya know. Prepare to gulk*

An arrow appeared out of nowhere and pierced Squidlova1094 in the chest. The only eveidence that it did happen was a feathery shaft that appered on his back.

Sniper329: Hey there.

Sky: Sniper329!

Sniper329: Not now bro, we have to save Deadlox.

They heard a crack ans turned towards Deadlox's last location, only his hand was visible.

Deadlox: Help me!!!! HEEEELP!!!!

Sky: We're comin' man, hold........ on.

Deadlox: HEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!

Deadlox fell down the cliff...

Sky: ...

Sky wailed over what seemed to be the death of his friend. When something strange happened. Deadlox, flew out of the cliff, but he was holding on to someone-Notch. White sparkles seemed to appear out of them.

Sky: No* I mean, who are you?

Notch shook his head at the mere mention of his two first letters.

Deadlox: Thank you for saving my life, err, what's your name?

Notch: I'm not telling you yet, c'mon everyone! Hold on to me, I'm getting us outta here.

They held hands with Notch, not that the two of them had any idea who he was, of course.

They heard a whirring sound, everything seemed to swirl in front of them. White sparkles seemed to appear once more, then with a clap of thunder and a thud, they blacked out.

Notch: Hey guys, its day time, wake up.

The two of them grumbled as they got up, only Sky chatted with Notch all night long.

Notch: I know I owe you guys a lot of explenations.

Sniper329, Deadlox: Yep.

Notch: First of all, I am Notch, creator of minecraft. Secondly, I am the heas and guardian of the Shrine.

Sniper329: So you mean.. You mean, we are dead?!!

Notch: No, of course not. Third, Your friend, Sky, knows me, he came*

Sky: PLEASE! Don't........

Notch: Ok. Fourth, I am gonna help you guys.

Deadlox: Ummmm, ok....?

Notch: Get up! We have a long journey to complete. We have to move to the west, where the RECM Facility is currently located. Hopefully if everything goes smoothly, we shall arrive in two Minecraft days.

They started their long and painful journey to the west. They suddenly came along to a swamp and saw a tiny hut. A witch hut to be exact.

Deadlox: Ugh! I'm soo tired. Lets go in that tiny hut and rest...

Notch: Wait. It's not safe here. It's dark and stuffy here. And a witch lives in here.

Sniper329: Why don't we attempt to confuse her, then to overpower her. I'll go hide and try to shoot her. You guys attempt to distract* (BLEEP)

A witch pojed her head out of its hut.

Sniper329: Now!

Sky and Deadlox ran in two directions to confuse the witch.

Witch: Confounded smartypants....

As she was drinking a potion, Sniper329 shot her in the chest.

Notch: Well, lets start making thishut comfortable then!

And with that, they put beds in the hut (quite compact) and they set a guard at night. They also lit the area with torches to disable monsters to spawn.

Deadlox: Well, goodnight people, I'm dying of sleep.

Sniper329: 'Night.

So our friends went on with merry little way, sleeping innocently in the night.


Sniper329: What was that?

Sniper329 stood up and walked towards a bush. The bush was shaking. He warily poked the bush with a stick. It stopped shaking. He turned back when he felt clammy hands surround his neck, and seering pain when he felt fangs bite him and he remembered no more.

Notch: Wake up! Wake up! Time to go.

Sky: Wait a second Notch.

Notch: What?

Sky: Sniper329 is gone.

They sprang up in alarm when they heard a surly voice say:



Hey guys! Long update right? I'm sorry people, school is comin'. I'm really busy.

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Book: um.....

*me*: Wut?!

Book: .....

*me*: Good...

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