Chapter 5: An Unlikely Ally

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All four of them jumped up and looked behind them. They saw nothing but the bush, when suddenly...

Voice: Why hello my duckies.

Notch: B-b-b-brother? Wha- What are you doing here?

Herobrine: Well I'm just here to tell you that I have Sniper329 as a hostage...

Sky: Hostage!

Deadlox: That's not good man.

Herobrine: Yes, hostage. Now I am here to tell you that in exchange for his life, I want you to tell me what the damn is going on! My base is filled with these wretched squids... Now, help me, or he will die. Also, for the preposition, you must help me raid a village and kill the villages. Understand?

They all knew too well of him. He could be lying of course, he was after all a good liar. But then, the squids were getting crazy, alright, so he could be saying the truth. They didn't know what to do when they remembered something, they had Notch.

But with the vilage thing, they couldn't murder a whole village that's innocent! They just can't. But their friends life is at stake. They had to decide and fast.

Herobrine: Well, I can't wait forever standing here...

Notch: Fine, we'll help you.

The next thing they knew, Herobrine teleported them to his base. It was full of squid bots alright.

Deadlox: Quick everyone, operation battle plan 0!

Now, operation battle plan 0 was a combat technique developed by the Sky army which can be performed by 2 or more people. One person circles the squids and swordfights with him while the other people shoot their chest.

Sky then circled the whole hoard of squids making what we would call a squid cluster. Deadlox was about to shoot when Notch held out his hand, uttered a spell and out of his hand went a huge fireball ultimately killing all the squids.

Herobrine: Well, thank you, but don't forget about the village or its curtains for your friend...

He had them there. They won't do it, but their friend's life in exchange for a hundred?! That's just a horrible, unholy thing to do for them. But what can be done anyways. THEY AGREED TO RAID THE VILLAGE.

Sky: I can't believe we're doing this. And when we come back, we'll be welcomed as serial killers rather than heroes...

Deadlox: Well, I hope there are only a few people there.

They found the village, alright. It was a smallish little town, full of squid supporting idiots. Perhaps they were right to raid the village after all.

They stole in the town through the shadows, and in Herobrine's word of command, they ran out and when they were expecting weaponless freaks, the enemies drew out their own diamond sword or axe.

Sky: Oh no.

Notch: Uh-oh.

Deadlox and Sky ran and parried every blow with a nice sharp flick of their own swords. They also threw in a few of their own challenging thrusts. And with a move that surprised them all, they beat 10-20 people.

Herobrine and Notch were sticking together, back to back, fighting them like mages. With an outstretched hand, a thunderbolt or fireball would suddenly appear.

Herobrine: Everyone, STAND BACK!

All the village men then ran straight in front of him, swords drawn, eyes glistening, teeth gritted. Herobrine raised his hands to the heavens. The sky grew dark and when he threw out his hands, lightning appeared from the sky and struck all the foes. Their mission was completed.

Herobrine: Heees your friend back.

Sniper329 suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Sniper329: Friends...

Sky: Sniper329! You're alive!

Sniper329: Yea, I'm alive, I think. Thanks for your help guys.

Herobrine: Now that you have done me a favor, its my turn to do so. Am I in your team?

Notch: I guess so...


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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