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FederalNation : Hey, Y/O/N?

Y/O/N : yea, whats up?

FederalNation : Nothing, i just wanna ask how you're doing right now.

Y/O/N : ah..

Y/O/N : im doing fine, i just got done watering my plants, thanks for asking

Y/O/N : wbu?

FederalNation : What does 'wbu' mean?

Y/O/N : it means what about you

Y/O/N : do u not know any internet slangs or something?

FederalNation : I presume not, I'm not very much a 'internet guy'.

Y/O/N : huh i guess that make sense now

Y/O/N : oh, ur a guy?

FederalNation : Yeah.

FederalNation : Anyway, for your question, I'm doing quite swell. One of my duties have been cancelled, so I'm not doing much right now, it's peaceful.

Y/O/N : thats great!

Y/O/N : whats your job, anyway?

FederalNation : that's classified, I'm afraid.

Y/O/N : well damn, okay then

Y/O/N : well, what about pets, do u have one?

FederalNation : Yes, i do

FederalNation : I have two guard dogs, they're one of the only things that keeps me alive.

Y/O/N : thats nice

Y/O/N : what breed?

FederalNation : Let's just say, a German shepherd and a Bloodhound.

Y/O/N : thats hella cool, i wish i have guard dogs

FederalNation : You don't have them? You really should. Guard dogs can protect you alot and make you safe.

Y/O/N : i know, but i dont think im financially stable enough for them, cant even have a cat or something

FederalNation : do you at least have some sort of defense tools you carry around?

Y/O/N : yeah i do, but sometimes i dont carry them around with me

FederalNation : why not? I thought you humans can be a bit dangerous, it's probably safer for you to have them at all times

FederalNation have deleted a message!

Y/O/N : what was that?

FederalNation: Sorry. I just had an autocorrect, let me type it out again.

Y/O/N : oh

FederalNation : Wouldn't it be safer for you if you carry them around at all times?

Y/O/N : oh of course it should be, i just tend to forget grabbing them

Y/O/N : but no biggie, theres no creepers around my town most of the times

FederalNation : Oh, okay. Just make sure to not forget if you're gonna go out

Y/O/N : dont worry, ill try

FederalNation : Seems like i have a new duty to tackle over.

FederalNation : hope to talk to you again soon, goodbye.

Y/O/N : me too, byee

Y/O/N : me too, byee

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