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Note - Jungkook is 31 years old while Taehyung is 32 years old. 

(In my country, if you are born after September, then you get school admission a year later than other children born in the same year. So, I would also follow the same here. Taehyung was born in December so he is in the same year as Jungkook even after being older.)

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Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung were in a relationship from college. They both belonged to middle-class families but never felt the shortage of anything while growing up.

Taehyung was 20 while Jungkook was 19 when they both entered the gate of the most prestigious university in Korea, SNU. The acceptance rate is less than 5%.

People work their asses off day and night to even enter the university where both Taehyung and Jungkook got scholarships.

Yes, the fees were also very high but it's not like both of their parents can't afford it. They both had savings in their bank account to never let their children compromise especially for something as important as education.

Taehyung took a business major while Jungkook took graphic design. They both had their own group of friends with Taehyung knowing almost half of the university due to his bubbly self while Jungkook remained confined with limited people knowing him. These differences between them didn't stop the two from developing feelings. 

After 4 months at the university, Taehyung was the one who first approached the younger for friendship. 5 months passed by, and their friendship remained casual, both would talk once or twice a day. 

It's not like they don't want to talk, just being in different majors made it difficult. Sometimes Taehyung would be free while Jungkook had some projects, quizzes or tests, other times the younger would be free while the older had plans. 

Still, after all this, they made time for each other every day even if it was just to talk for 5 minutes. Moreover, their group of friends were also very supportive.

10 months passed by, and Taehyung was about to turn 21 when he proposed to Jungkook on his 20th birthday. The younger celebrated the birthday with his family and returned to the dorm, around 11 at night. 

He entered his dorm and was surprised to see it decorated. In the middle was Taehyung standing with a cake in his hand and both of their friends were surrounding him. 

Yeah, the proposal was nothing special,  just a normal confession of 'I like You Jungkook, would you be my boyfriend', in a small university dorm room with their friends surrounding and hooting for them. But, the proposal, the day, still holds a very special and beautiful meaning in their lives.

Just like every relationship, ups and downs were always there, misunderstandings, arguments, saying some hurtful words in anger and whatnot. Now, after so many years, they have learned to understand each other, communicate with each other, and trust and respect one another.

Time passed, they grew up, graduated and started applying for jobs. Normally, a prestigious college would get job offers from big companies but for the first time in their lives, both Taehyung and Jungkook saw the advantage of being rich.

Even after having excellent grades, good speaking skills and practical knowledge, they were still rejected for higher posts in the company. They saw how those posts were given to rich kids, who were on the edge of failing. 

It's not like they weren't getting job offers but all those posts were at much lower positions for an SNU topper. At last, after 5 months of hectic and nerve-wracking interviews, they finally got a good job. 

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