Ch 1. The garden

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I've not taken the time to reply yet to comments, I'm sorry! I've still read them all many times and I'll take my time to reply to all of them over the weekend! Thank you very much for all of them, always so happy to get them!




"Thatch is not in a good mood." Ace said as he looked towards the back of the deck where the screaming was coming from.

"Well, it probably has to with Ph-"

"God damnit, just wait! I'll teach that stupid bird a lesson!" Thatch passed the duo still grumbling, entering the ship but quicky coming back out and seemingly making his way to the back of the ship, only to stop and.....

"Why are you putting up Cd-discs?" The local firecracker asked confused as their chef started hanging said disks all around the passage way to the back of the deck.

"Why? Why???? To keep that freaking chicken away from the back deck!"

"Why can't phoenix go there? Besides, he will just fly passed."

"First of all, he won't. Bird is as stupid as any other bird. Second, BECOUSE THE SHIT KEEPS DESTROYING MY GARDEN!"

Thatch gaped at Ace's confused look and wiped a hand over his face. "Really Ace?" he signed and made a motion to follow.

Confused the raven did follow and was led passed the row of cd's glistering in the light and towards the back of the deck. It wasn't that big and not many people came here, he atleast never came here himself, Thatch was one of the only ones he saw coming here pretty often.

"I present to you my little garden to keep all you black holes fed with tasty food."

"Huuuuuhhh, how long has this been here?" Amazed Ace looked around the patch of sand spanning the back of the deck, seeing a foldable roof tucked away, ready to be pulled out when needed. "This is pretty neat."

"Since before you joined, doofus. And yes, thank you." Thatch started pointing towards different plants, "These are all different kind of spices, I could never produce enough actual food for everyone here, but for spices it's a good place."

"Oooooooh, I see strawberr-"

"Don't touch them, they're mine."

".... I swear I won't" and he somehow means it because Thatch's glare is already killing him. "What about those things, they look weird. He pointed to some plants that well... were weird. They had holes in the leaves.

"Those weird plants are all Phoenix's fault. They were blooming well, but Phoenix likes them ... or doesn't like them. I don't even know. He always comes to peck at them, I don't know if he even eats them or is just destroying them. What I do know is that the bird steals all my freaking strawberries to eat. For which Marco owes me a few crates by now as compensation. My only little treat on this ship gets stolen by that bird every time one sprouts! Doesn't even get the time to become red...."

"Why don't you just like-" Ace made a motion over the plants, "put a net ove rit or something."

A sigh followed instantly, "While phoenix is stupid. A net doesn't stop him, I tried..... No, wait, let me rephrase. There are two things that can happen and have happened.
1. he has a smart moment and slices through the net with ease with his talons and his beak.
2. He has no smart moment and is his stupid self and still lunges for the plants, not minding the net, thus tangling himself into it. Then getting into a fight with said net and making himself be stuck even more. Theeeen after not getting out, panick sets in and as a result you have a screeching crying Phoenix getting more and more stuck in the net." Thatch sighed again as he looked over his garden, "And while I hate the bird for doing this, I don't want to hurt him. Last time I tried he dislocated his wing, and while it heals when he's free, we all know the thing still feels pain."

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