Chapter#3 The Girl (J)

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They say that after we die there is no sense of time. That time will seize to exist. So, the souls in heaven or hell wherever they end up either spending their eternity in eternal bliss or eternal torture. As far as I was concerned, I was neither in heaven nor hell, I was not even in purgatory. I was in some other plane where time was endless, life was endless. Where there was no sense of day or night. Where the sinners didn't even know what sins they'd committed, or what sins they were being punished for. They were subjected to confinement until the slime-covered walls sucked the last of their breaths. I didn't know how long I was going to stay in this limbo. I just really hoped that it ended, however, it could.

As I lay on my cot with a very disoriented mind the squeaking sound of the prison cell jolted me to my senses. There she was from the previous night in a white T-shirt and a blue denim jacket and denim pants. Her hair fell on her shoulders in beautiful waves of gold with a small messy bun atop her head. A pendant hung from her neck with the diamond glowing a softer shade of blue. She was accompanied by my jail guard who looked like some medieval bodyguard. She slowly approached my cot with him in tow. Her shoelaces were loosely done. If I was one of those spies in one-man-show spy movies I would've pulled those laces out from her shoe and would have strangled the two of them within seconds and made it out of this hellhole. But this was not a movie, this was life, and life rarely offered any heroic moments.

I was sitting on my cot waiting, she didn't say anything but simply took my arm. Unlike her royal looks with thin lips, a good nose, soft eyes, a strong jaw, a fair complexion, and defined cheekbones her hands were callused. But her long artistic fingers were softer with their touch. She extended her hand towards the guard who handed her a syringe and a vial.

"What are you doing?" I pulled my hand away from her grasp.

"That is none of your business." The guard barked.

"It's very much my business since it's my blood you're taking for God knows what."

"Mr. Brooke, we're just running some tests is all." She took my arm in her hand once again rubbing the spirit cotton over the vein. "We would like it very much if you would cooperate since it's ultimately for your benefit." She looked at me as if asking if she needed to use brute force. I very much didn't like to be beaten to a pulp by the Dothraki guy, so I nodded.

Within seconds, the needle pierced my flesh, and three vials were handed down to the bodyguard. But apparently, I wasn't done. The girl took my face in her hands. For a moment I was taken aback by her gesture, but the moment was all she needed. I caught the sight of her pendent pulsing followed by pain the likes of which I'd never experienced before. The world around me turned dark as waves of pain washed over me. I cried out in agony trying to fight her off, but she held me in place with a steel grip. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally let me go.

I'd never been so mad at anyone before but now I was. In a flash, I had her by the wrists against the footboard of the cot. Not caring about the ripped bodyguard standing just a few meters away.

"What the hell is your problem?" I seethed. Before I heard a reply, I was pulled back against the headboard of the cot with full force. The pressure was so strong that it knocked the breath out of me. I wanted to ask who she was or rather what she was but the words died in my throat with the pressure of her spell or power.

"Don't you dare touch me again!" Her blue-green eyes filled with rage were etched in her mind long after her hold on me seized; long after she left. There was something in her eyes, something in her expression that stayed with me for the rest of the time I spent in my hell. It felt as if she was a key part of my life that I'd forgotten. As if she meant something to me and I just couldn't remember. And the more I tried to remember, the more it seemed to slip away from me. Though there was one silver lining through it all. I had something to think about. And when you have something to do, time passes swiftly. And it did for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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