Chapter 2: The King of Tarya

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On the way to the king's study, the butler did not say a word, but Ellis understood from before that this old man did not care at all about the status of the Third Prince. From the beginning to the end, the old butler hadn't shown a little concern for Ellis' status as prince. A recent example is when he entered Ellis' room without his permission, thus violating his privacy. A servant who dared enter the master's chambers by his own will was a crime punishable by death. In addition to the fact that the butler had left without waiting for his master, death could be considered even a very mild end.
Although the butler was the head butler or the king's closest confidant, he remained a servant. In fact, in a world based on classism, people like the old butler didn't hold enough power to act in such a disrespectful way in front of their masters. But Ellis didn't care anymore. Soon, he will be out of this palace and it was better for him to leave without making any fuss.

"We have arrived, Third Prince", the butler suddenly said, stopping at the door of the royal study: "His Majesty is waiting for you inside".

Hiding the slight anxiety in his eyes, Ellis approached the door decorated with several complicated motifs and knocked a couple of times. When he heard permission from the other side, he opened the door and walked inside the spacious room, then closed the door from behind after entering. The room was a typical study room, full of shelves filled with books and a long desk in the middle of the room. Behind that desk sat Tarya's king, Ludovic Hawthorne.

The current king of Tarya was only in his thirties, but on his face there were already signs of wrinkles and fatigue as if he had not had a good rest for a long time. Although he seemed tired, the man had a severe and powerful aura, giving the feeling of being someone who cannot be easily underestimated.

Unlike in his previous life, the youth 's fear for this father was not as big as before, but his hands unknowingly trembled a little in front of his aura.

"This Prince greets His Majesty," said the youth bowing before the man.

"Get up".

Ellis stood up and looked at the ruler sitting behind the desk. The man's gaze since he had entered had not been raised once. His eyes were entirely focused only on the pile of documents while his right hand held a feather brush and wrote on the paper at a fast and steady pace.

The times this character appeared in the game are like those non so important side characters. The times in question are....Once, at least talking about his appearances in person, for most of the time, he was only mentioned or shown in the heroine's flashbacks..The only time that there had been a whole vision of the king was during the passage of age of the Third Prince, in which the heroine made her first appearance in the noble class accompanied by one of the love interests and revealed her incredible resemblance to Her Excellency, the queen. When the king saw her, he had no doubt at all of her identity as the daughter he believed to be dead, thus he welcomed her and offered her all the support she needed.

At that point in the story, Liliana was able to establish a relationship with the royal family, thus approaching two other love interests, the First and Second Prince. At that point, the heroine's path, with the support of the royal family, seemed unstoppable.

But what about the Third Prince?

When Ellis of his previous life saw his cold and stern father give to a girl who came out of nowhere, such a special treatment that a father shall only reserve to his sons, he could not help but go mad with jealousy, creating a show at his banquet and thus ruining one of the most important evenings of his life.

Remembering the fuss he made in his previous life, Ellis felt very embarrassed and uncomfortable. He unconditionally retracted his neck to his chin.
The event at the banquet had ridiculed him in front of a large number of high-class nobles and bourgeois, he had shown a horrible side of himself, screaming and throwing a tantrum like a spoiled brat. Since that night, he had become Tarya's laughing stock and the royal family had started to avoid him more than before. Obviously , it all seemed to be Ellis' fault for making a fool of himself like that, but he couldn't be completely blamed. Who would not be outraged if on the evening of his 18th birthday, one of the most anticipated and important evenings in the life of a young adult, the attention of the birthday boy had been stolen by a person who came out of nowhere.

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