I befriend the Big Bad Wolf

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I was sitting at my white desk, when I had the shock of a lifetime. I saw a wolf, dressed in the clothes of an old lady, and it was walking straight towards my office! "He's going to eat us all!'' I thought to myself.
The bell above the way too happy ''Therapy with Azura'' sign jingled.
The door opened.
I thought I was going to faint, but then I remembered to breathe and it went alright again.
The wolf came in, but he looked so, so sorry.

''Hi, I'm Azura Foxfire from Therapy with Azura, how may I help you?'' 
My voice sounded shaky.
''Hello, I'm Wolf, and I would like a therapy session.'' a deep low voice answered.
''Oh help,'' I thought,'' is he going to eat me?'' But I remembered my motto: ''✨I'm here for every person and animal.✨''

Unfortunately, Wolf was an animal.
''Alright, that will be £50.''
'''50 pounds?!'' The wolf asked shocked,'' but I really need help, so here you go.''
He handed me a folded up £50 note.
''Right this way, sir.''

Wolf sat down, and looked at me like I was supposed to fix all his shit.
Which, I guess, I was.
''So what is the problem, mr. Wolf?''
''Oh, I feel so bad! Why did my stupid wolf brain decide to eat Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood? Why did I decide to cause them so much pain? Such fragileness Grandmother had, such innocent features Little Red Riding Hood had! And now, the worst of all, I still want to eat more!''
He burst out in tears.
I stood up, walked over and stroked his back. It felt muscular, strong. I diagnosed him with depression.
There was another session, and another one, and one more, until he had lost all of his guilt, and only liked to eat vegetables.
And that's how i befriended the Big Bad Wolf, or the Big Good Wolf.


cover image: https://nl.pinterest.com/pin/503769908311683518/ 

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