Albert J.M. - Cheater Pt2

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Part 2
Male! Foreigner! Reader
Angst, eventual fluff

It had been a few years since you returned to (country). That day still burned in your head. Yet you've moved on.

Currently, you were opening a letter from a close acquaintance, Irene Adler.

"Dear (m/n),

How are you? It must be so difficult, having to live without me. As for me, I've taken on a new identity. I'm a man, and would like to be referred to as such. I love it, even if it was to ensure I don't die. Why, you may ask? Those papers I stole, they've been returned. But the Queen of England ordered the death of Irene Adler. In the end, I'm alive. Come visit me when you have the chance.

James Bond."

You chuckled as you read the contents of his letter. Indeed, you should visit him in England soon. You sighed to yourself, as you picked up the next letter.

It was a letter from another friend you had made since your return to (country).
After hearing of his amazing wit in a newspaper, you sent him a 'gift'. A riddle. He sent you it completed, along with a challenge for you. It kept going, until a friendship formed. You would discuss cases and your opinions, challenging each other with increasingly difficult tasks.
Now, his most recent letter asked you to come to England to help him.

This made you laugh quietly to yourself. England was calling, it seemed. You decided to think it through. By the time you weighed out to pros and cons, the sun was setting. Laying down on your bed, finally settling on going.

There was a part of you that feared going. After all, the last time you had gone there, you had to escape at the first sighting of the sun. It was either that, or live with the fear of Albert finding you.

What would William and Louis think? They often mentioned viewing you as another brother, someone they could trust. Moran loved to go drinking with you, and the two of you shared many hangovers together. Fred tried his best to talk when you watered flowers together. Yet you left them without a word. What would Albert have told them? Would he pin the blame on you, or honestly tell them what happened.

Worn out by your thoughts, you soon found your eyelids dropping, and your consciousness drifting.

Morning came too soon. You packed whatever you needed, and prepared to go to the closest port.
The journey to the port was a lonely one, but eventually, you were on the ferry to England.

And after a few hours, you felt the dry, warm air hit your skin. England hadn't changed much, from the look of it.

"221b Baker Street... Ah, there it is!" You muttered to yourself, unaware of the switch in languages. You wondered what Sherlock would look like, and was shocked by a woman greeting you at the door.

"Who are you?" she questioned. Her fierce voice made you sweat slightly, every so uncomfortable.

You reached into your coat and pulled out the letter from Sherlock. Clearing your throat slightly, you replied, "I'm an acquaintance of Sherlock Holmes, this is where he resides, unless I'm mistaken."

Her face lit up. "Well, I'm Hudson, Sherlock Holmes' landlady. Come in, he'll be back in a few."

You silently thanked whatever diety there is for your choices.
"Ah, I suspected Sherlock did not live alone. I brought with me (desert), a delicacy from (country)," you said as you took a seat across the lady, laying the dish on the table.

"I'll go make some tea, pardon me for not knowing you'd come." you chuckled in response, "Pardon me for not warning anyone ahead of time."

And then the front door swung open, you quickly rushed to your feet, as you were greeted by a man with navy hair.

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