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It has been months. The pack is still doing everything they can to find stiles. Some have given up others, they think he is dead.

Scott has called his dad for an answer, but all he gets is the run around.

Derek is a mess. He can't eat , sleep. He is barely keeping it together. The only hope is that Stiles could be alive.

Scott is a mess, too. He barely eats the only time he does is whenever Isaac hand feeds him. When Scott sleeps, he has nightmares of the last time he saw stiles. Four days ago
Scott nearly killed someone.

Lydia is also a mess. She is so terrified she will scream. She goes to sleep and dreams of stiles about to die. She has cried herself to sleep for months.

Malia has lost control so much that she and the others have lost track. She nearly killed peter last week. Malia and Kira were cuddling, and malia lost control and nearly hurt Kira.

Sheriff has drank more than normal. Melissa has checked on him, and she found him passed out on the couch with a pile of beer bottles next to him.

Liam has lashed out like a normal teenager when something goes wrong with their parents.

Peter has been more creepy and more down lately.

Isaac has been getting more nightmares lately.

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