undercover 4 months

369 9 0

Brenda " so what do we do know?"

Thomas " What do you mean"

Brenda " I almost died from the bit, and now we're safe,"

Thomas " Hey guys, were Teresa "

All the guys point to the top of the hill

Thomas " Hey Teresa "

Teresa " I'm sorry Tom, I wanted to get you to understand, but I know you won't."

Thomas " understand what"

Helicopter 🚁 incoming

Thomas " why"

Teresa " I'm trying to save us."

Thomas " by killing thousands "

Thomas is too late, wicked, blow up everything they took minho, and sonya and Aries.

4 1/2 MONTHS

They found Sony but not Aries or minho.

Thomas " we are done running let fight . For minho and Aries."

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